«Currently characteristics of the irradiation facility at IBR-2 reactor for investigation of material radiation hardness»

13 Oct 2021, 16:15


Oral Applied Research Applied research


Мария Петрова


A large number of experimental facilities are being built in the world. They will work in the fields of powerful ionizing radiation. Applied studies of the radiation resistance of materials for them is one of the most important problem. The irradiation facility of the IBR-2 reactor is designed for conducting radiation resistance studies. The length of the irradiation facility is ~8 meters. Due to this feature, the change in the densities of ionizing radiation fluxes is 105 -106 which allows for a large number of experiments. The paper will show the measured values: the differential energy density of the neutron flux, the change in the density of the fast neutron flux and the absorbed dose of gamma radiation along the irradiation facility, as well as the calculated: spectra of neutrons and gamma quanta.

Primary author

Мария Петрова

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