Within the framework of the cooperation agreement between JINR and DESY, together with the participants of the JOIN2 project, an institutional repository JINR Document Server (JDS) was created at JINR for storing the information resources of the institute and providing effective access to them. JOIN² ( is a shared repository infrastructure that brings together eight research...
DIRAC Interware is an open-source development platform for the integration of heterogeneous computing and storage resources. The service based on this platform was deployed and configured in Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in 2016. Now it is actively used for MPD, Baikal-GVD, and BM@N experiments. In JINR we have five big computing resources with uniform access via the DIRAC service:...
BM@N (Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron) is the first experiment of the NICA project, which is aimed to study interactions between relativistic heavy ion beam and a fixed target. In the modern high-energy particle collision experiments sequential processing of obtained experimental data, as well as simulated events can be very time-consuming due to high particle multiplicity and high interaction...
Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) experiments at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research have already generated substantial volumes of simulated and experimental (BM@N facility) data, and it is expected that the overall number of collected events will increase from the current value of hundreds of millions to expected several billion events per year. An information system based on...
The NICA megaproject being implemented at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna is aimed at creating and investigating a hot baryonic matter under extreme conditions. To solve the task of storing required parameters and information on the NICA experiments, which are necessary for further processing of the obtained experimental data (as well as simulated events), the common...
The Configuration Database is an essential part of a complex of information systems, which have been developed for the experiments of the NICA project at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The developed database stores both a set of various configuration parameters, such as those required for setting the detectors into operation modes, for instance, a working voltage, and descriptions...
BM@N (Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron) is the first experiment undertaken at the accelerator complex of NICA-Nuclotron. The purpose of the BM@N experiment is to study the interactions of relativistic heavy ion beams with a fixed target.
The BmnRoot framework is a software based on the FairRoot framework and developed for providing detector performance studies, event simulation, reconstruction...
It is noteworthy that modern HPC systems are used not only as traditional computing environments for performing massively parallel calculations, but also as systems for Big Data analysis and artificial intelligence tasks that arise in different scientific and applied problems. At the same time, despite the increase in supercomputer performance, memory and data storage bandwidths are becoming...
The main problem addressed in this work is the creation of an R-CNN plant diseases detector. We have great results with the classification task. Our current architecture based on the Siamese neural network with triplet loss function has an accuracy of more than 97%. We have a nice self-collected database with more than 1500 images – Newer the less, we would like to spread the...
Modern scientific projects generate a huge amount of data that needs to be stored, processed and analyzed. It is often impossible to solve such tasks within a single scientific center. Therefore, distributed resources are combined into a single infrastructure using communication channels and specialized software. One of the important preliminary steps in building such an infrastructure is to...