August 20, 2017 to September 2, 2017
BLTP JINR, Dubna, Russia
Europe/Moscow timezone

Scientific Program


Gert Aarts (Swansea University),"Spectral quantities of hot matter"

Irina Aref'eva (МI RAS), "Holography for heavy-ion collisions at LHC and NICA"

David Blaschke (Wroclaw University), "Hadron dissociation in dense matter"

Vitaly Bornyakov (IHEP), "Lattice QCD at finite chemical potential"

Victor Braguta (ITEP), "Phase diagram of two color QCD at finite baryon density"

Pavel Buividovich (Regensburg University) “Lattice theory of condenced matter”

Heng-Tong Ding (CCNU-Wuhan) "Introduction into Lattice QCD"

Anthony Francis (Toronto University), "Tetraquarks/g-2/Dilepton"

Оlaf Каczmarek (Bielefeld University), "Spectral and transport properties from Lattice QCD"

Pok Man Lo (Wroclaw University), "S-matrix approach to hadron gas"

Maria Lombardo (INFN, Frascati), "QCD Phases, Topology and Axion Dark Matter"

Segey Nedelko (BLTP, JINR), "QCD vacuum polarization by strong electromagnetic field and deconfinement"

Alexander Rothkopf (Heidelberg University), "Lattice effective field theory methods for in-medium heavy quarkonium"

Alexander Sorin (JINR), "Physics at NICA"

Aleksei Shipilov (Helmholtz Association), "Helmholtz Association"

Oleg Teryaev (JINR), "Axial vortical effect and hyperon polarization"

Students' talks 

S.Valgushev , "Lattice study of continuity and finite-temperature transition  in two-dimensional SU(N) x SU(N) Principal Chiral Model"

M. Sarkar, "Non-perturbative gauge-fixing of compact gauge fields on the lattice"

K. Rannu, "Non-conformal anisotropic solutions in 5-dimensional Maxwell-dilaton gravity"

W. Serenone "Two-Component Landau Liquid Model for Two-Color QCD"

A. Florio " Topology, Thermal Simulations and Boundary Conditions "

F.A. Ziesche "Simulating low dimensional finite density QCD on Lefschetz Thimbles"

D. Frenklakh "Chiral heat-vortical wave in cold Fermi liquid and modified zero sound"


A. Lehmann, "Heavy Quarkonium in Heavy Ion-Collisions: From Early to Late Times"

P. Mohanta, "Charmed and strange B mesons spectra on lattice using NRQCD"

M. Biswal, "Z_N symmetry
and confinement-deconfinement transition in SU(N)+Higgs theory"

N. Kumar, "Electron Wigner distributions from light-front wavefunctions"

R. Zhokhov, "Charged pion condensation in chirally asymmetric dense quark matter:
Consideration of an NJL2 model with spatially inhomogeneous condensates"

T. Maji, "Single Spin Asymmetries in a light-front quark-diquark model"

Lukas Mazur, "Topology and the Gradient Flow method"