25–27 Oct 2021
Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Experimental study of fast neutron detectors with a pulse shape discrimination

25 Oct 2021, 16:15
Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

Pasteura 5A 02-093 Warsaw Poland


Anh Mai (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


The performance of a single fast neutron detector was studied. Two different scintillators were evaluated, namely stilbene crystal and liquid EJ-301 (NEDA) scintillators. The efficiency and the calibration of each detector were done. Gamma rays and neutrons are well separated with both pulse shape discrimination (in single mode) and Time of Flight measurement of neutron-gamma particles (coincidence mode). Number of detected neutrons obtained in NEDA were ~3 times higher than stilbene due to the bigger active volume of ~3.15 liters liquid scintillator with 20 cm height compared to 8 cm in diameter and 5 cm long of stilbene at the same distance from the source.

Primary author

Anh Mai (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)

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