25–27 Oct 2021
Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Study of the 7He spectrum and decay products correlations in the (d,p)-reaction with 6He (29 AMeV) at ACCULINNA-2

27 Oct 2021, 10:00
Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

Pasteura 5A 02-093 Warsaw Poland
Oral Session 7


Dr Pavel Sharov (JINR)


The helium-7 system has been experimentally studied many times, however, there are still uncertainties in the description of $^7$He structure.
According to the systematics for the single-particle state widths, the excited states of this nucleus have a large (comparable to the decay energy) decay width. So, it is impossible to obtain convincing indications of the existence of excited states $^7$He only from the analysis of the inclusive spectrum (and therefore, from the analysis of the inclusive spectrum, it is impossible to obtain information about the properties of the $^7$He excited states). Therefore, more complex analysis are required for $^7$He spectrum studies.
An example of such kind of analysis is going to be presented in the talk. The experimental design and preliminary results for the recent experiment conducted at FLNR JINR are going to be discussed.
Possibilities of using the discussed experimental approach for studies of other nuclei beyond neutron drip-line are also going to be discussed in the talk.

Primary author

Dr Pavel Sharov (JINR)

Presentation materials