Quark exchange effects in the nuclear equation of state at high-densities

28 Sept 2017, 08:30
Blokhintsev Hall (4rd floor, BLTP) (DUBNA)

Blokhintsev Hall (4rd floor, BLTP)




Prof. David Blaschke (JINR Dubna)


We investigate the effectve repulsive interaction of Pauli blocking due to quark exchange among nucleons in nuclear matter within a nonrelativistic potential model for the nucleons. In order to describe nuclear saturation properties the nucleons are coupled to scalar and vector meanfields in the spirit of a linear Walecka model. The effects of chiral symmetry restoration is studies by adopting density-dependent quark masses that follow either the Brown-Rho scaling or the behaviour of a NJL model with 8-quark interaction terms (hNJL). When compared to the results for density-independent quark masses a strong density-dependent stiffening of the nuclear matter is obtained. The resulting symmetric nuclear matter equation of state is compared with results for the excluded-volume corrected density-dependent relativistic mean-field model DD2. Applications to neutron matter as well as to neutron star matter in beta-equilibrium are studied. The phase transition to quark matter described by the hNJL model is constructed and hybrid star sequences are obtained that form a third family of compact stars at high mass.

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