Numerical simulation of the behavior of particles in hot and dense nuclear matter

24 Oct 2022, 16:50
R3 (407) (MLIT, JINR)

R3 (407)


Oral Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics


Georgiy Papoyan


In this paper we study the properties of particles in hot and dense
nuclear matter within the framework of the SU(3) Nambu - Jona - Lasinio
model. To calculate the mass and width of diquars (scalar, pseudo
scalar, vector, axial vector) as functions of temperature, the
Bethe-Salpeter equation is presented as a system of two equations. To
solve a self-consistent system of the nonlinear integral equations, a
FORTRAN code is written. The behavior of the diquark mass at finite
temperature was investigated. The obtained results are used to describe
baryons as quark-diquark pairs.

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