Virtual Booster model

25 Oct 2022, 17:50
R2 (310) (MLIT, JINR)

R2 (310)


Oral Particle Accelerators and Nuclear Reactors Particle Accelerators and Nuclear Reactors


Margarita Korobitsina (JINR)


The virtual model of the accelerator is a computational-theoretical model supplemented with options for simulating beam diagnostics and accelerator control tools. At this stage of the NICA project implementation, the virtual Booster model allows, along with theoretical research in the field of beam dynamics, to work out various methods for tuning accelerator settings.

Primary authors

Margarita Korobitsina (JINR) Mr Alexey Tuzikov Mr Mikhail Shandov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics)

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