SPD Physics and MC meeting N28

    • 1
      Event Data Model in the STAR experiment at RHIC
      Speaker: Grigory Nigmatkulov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
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      Study of the feasibility of the SPD setup for measuring SSA
      Speaker: Artem Ivanov (JINR)
    • 3
      Update on inclusive π0 production studies for SPD
      Speaker: Ruslan Akhunzyanov (JINR)
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      New code for simulation of elastic PP-scatterings in SPDRoot
      Speaker: Aida Galoyan (Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics)
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      Estimation of spin precession effect in SPD interaction region for online polarimetry
      Speaker: Katherin Shtejer (JINR)
    • 6
      Strange Hypernuclei : A Project with START Program Student
      Speaker: Amaresh Datta (JINR)