Garfield+LTSpice simulation #4



minutes of the meeting:

===> TDR the plots - are ready

     * To be done - to be sent to SPD TDR editors (Katerina)
===> Garfield+LTSpice validation

     * Garfield - Sonja vs Dosbol vs Sergey validation plots:
     now everything is the same except for time resolution at small distances
     (, p8). Vitaly: now we use a more precise LTSpice model (calibrated with real VMM3)
     ==> ok
     To be done - the last problem (tails from previous data sets) was caused by the printout feature.
     ==> software to be updated(Sergey) if we will not switch to Garfield++ soon (to be desided during next weeks)
     * LTSpice - LTSpice model of VMM3 is final and fixed
     To be done - update Garfield prediction for the TB data (,
     the original plot is also uploaded to the agenda
     Vitaly: according to the new observation, the simulated gas gain was different from the actual
     (4.5e4 vs the actual ~9.0e4), so new set of Garfield simulation for 6mm straw is needed
     ==> Dosbol using Sergey's scripts will generate uniformly distributed muon tracks to be proceeded with LTSpice

     * data production for SPDroot parametrisation - to be started as soon as we have a decision on Garfield vs Garfield++

===> Garfield++ and gas gain

     summary for ATLAS TRT measurements vs simulation in TDR vs Garfield++ - RK to be added
     ==> to be done
     - try to set gas gain manually, as was done in Garfield++.
     UPD: attachment plays role? to be discussed + cross-check in Garfield is also needed
     - is MC prediction equivalent to RK?

==> AOB - delta-electrons
    * what is the probability to have delta electrons in a straw?
    ==> to be done
    - general understanding (for example, from here, pp.4-7 -
    "in 1 cm of Ar 1/20 MIPs ejects 3 keV electron which will have range of 100 um")
    - Garfield/Garfield++ manuals - if one can switch on/off delta electrons?


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