27 August 2023 to 3 September 2023
Europe/Minsk timezone



29 Aug 2023, 09:00
Sanatorium "Westa" (Minsk)

Sanatorium "Westa"


The sanatorium is located 30 km from Minsk along the E30 highway.


Plenary: Recent results from LHC

  • Yurii Kurochkin

Plenary: Invited lecture

  • Victor Andreev

Plenary: Actual problems of QCD

  • Victor Andreev

Plenary: Heavy ion physics

  • Vladimir Kekelidze (LHEP, JINR)

Plenary: Collider physics

  • Sergei Shmatov (JINR)

Plenary: Detectors at NICA

  • Nikolai Russakovich (JINR)

Plenary: Detectors

  • Alexander Lobko

Plenary: Theory

  • Alexander Shalyt-Margolin

Plenary: Phenomenology

  • Vladimir Zykunov (Leading Researcher of Laboratory of High Energy Physics of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia)

Plenary: Accelerator physics

  • Mihail Itkis (vice-director)

Plenary: Cosmology

  • Alexander Kisselev (IHEP)

Plenary: Experiment reviews

  • Oleg Rogachevskiy (JINR)

Plenary: Theory

  • Yuri Kulchitsky (JINR)

Plenary: Theory and phenomenology

  • Elena Kokoulina (JINR)

Plenary: Phenomenology

  • Yurii Kurochkin

Plenary: Theory

  • There are no conveners in this block

Plenary: Phenomenology

  • There are no conveners in this block

Plenary: Selected topics

  • There are no conveners in this block

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Sergei Shmatov (JINR)
29/08/2023, 09:00
Stepan Shimanskiy (JINR)
29/08/2023, 11:40
Yuri Oganessian (FLNR, JINR)
30/08/2023, 09:00
Mihail Itkis (vice-director)
30/08/2023, 09:45
Pavel Zarubin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
30/08/2023, 11:30
Alexander Kisselev (IHEP)
30/08/2023, 12:15
Vladimir Kekelidze (LHEP, JINR)
30/08/2023, 14:00
Sergey Movchan (JINR)
30/08/2023, 14:45
Nelli Pukhaeva (JINR)
30/08/2023, 17:00
Ilnur Gabdrakhmanov (JINR VBLHEP)
30/08/2023, 17:20
Nurlan Barlykov
30/08/2023, 17:35
Ramil Akbarov
30/08/2023, 17:50
Vladimir Zykunov (Leading Researcher of Laboratory of High Energy Physics of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia)
31/08/2023, 10:00
Yuri Kulchitsky (JINR)
31/08/2023, 11:25
Mikhail Galynskii (Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research -- Sosny, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 220109 Minsk, Belarus)
31/08/2023, 11:50
Victor Robuk (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
01/09/2023, 12:20
Alexander Parkhomenko (P.G.Demidov Yaroslavl State University)
01/09/2023, 14:20
Elena Avakyan
01/09/2023, 15:50
Vladimir Makarenko (INP BSU)
01/09/2023, 17:20
Iurii Korsakov (JINR CMS)
01/09/2023, 18:25
Prof. Elena Kokoulina (JINR)
02/09/2023, 09:00
Alexander Silenko (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
02/09/2023, 09:30
Alexey Chernyshev (Samara University)
02/09/2023, 10:30
Mr Andrei Manko (Institute Physics if NAN of Belarus)
02/09/2023, 11:30
02/09/2023, 13:00
Building timetable...