Nucleon associations (clusters) are one of the basic phenomena in atomic nuclei structure. Their simplest observable manifestations are the lightest He and H nuclei. Superpositions of the lightest clusters and nucleons form subsequent nuclei (including unstable $^8$Be and B), which act as constituent clusters themselves for more complicated nuclear systems. The phenomena of claster dissiciations of ligh Be and B isotops are discussed. Charge topology and angular spectra of fragmentation of 1.2 A GeV $^7$Be nuclei in nuclear track emulsion are presented. The dissociation channels $^4$He + $^3$He, 2$^3$He+ n, $^4$He + 2$^1$H are considered in detail. It is established that the events $^6$Be + n amount about to 27% in the channel $^4$He + 2$^1$H. The experimental results are compared with model data of fragmentation of such nuclei in nuclear track emulsions.
The next topic consisted in the study of unstable states of $^9$Be and $^9$B. The experemental data for this nuclei obtained in relativistic fragmentation of carbon ($^{10}$C) and berillium (from ${10}$B) fragmentation in nuclear track emulsions. The opportunity of searching with nuclear track emulsions for more complex excitations in light nuclei - isobar-analogue states for $^9$Be and $^9$B isotops are discussed [1-3].
[1] P. I. Zarubin Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 875, Clusters in Nuclei,
Volume 3. Springer Int. Publ., 51 (2013) [arXiv:1309.4881].
[2] D. A. Artemenkov et al., $^8$Be and $^9$B nuclei in dissociation of
relativistic $^{10}$C and $^{11}$C nuclei, EPJ Web of Conferences DOI: 10.1051/ conf/201611 0602.
[3] P. I. Zarubin et. al., Prospects of Searches for Unstable States
in Relativistic Fragmentation of Nuclei, Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 2022, Vol. 85, No. 6, pp. 528–539.