Investigation of isomerism and yields of odd holmium nuclei (A = 156, 158, 160) when irradiating a 165Нo target at JINR accelerators within the framework of programs "Transmutation -Energy" and "Yasnapp".
Stegailov V.I., Tyutyunnikov S.I., Yudin I.P., Tоан Т.,
Vaganov Yu.A., Shakun N.G., Drnoyan D.R.
Dubna JINR
The experiments were carried out within the framework of the Energy–Transmutation project and the Yasnapp project using JINR accelerators.
The decay of isomers and studies of isomeric yields of odd-odd holmium isotopes were conducted by analyzing the time distributions of gamma transitions of daughter isotopes of dysprosium.
In the course of research , several new isomers have been discovered , the structure
of the lowest levels of holmium isotopes has been determined , and their decay schemes have been established
S.I. Tyutyunnikov, V.I. Stegailov et al., // “NUCLEUS-2021”. St-Petersburg, 131 (2021).