Investigation of the yields of nuclei obtained using targets 238U, 209Bi at JINR accelerators: "Phasotron" (Ep=660 Mev) and "Linak-200"
Stegailov V.I., Tyutyunnikov S.I., Yudin I.P., Rasulova F.A.,
Vaganov Yu.A.,Shakun N.G., Drnoyan D.R.
Dubna JINR
The experiments were carried out within the framework of the Energy-Transmutation program at JINR accelerators and at the YASNAPP experimental complex, created on the basis of the JINR nuclear power Plant phasotron, in "on-line" and "off-line" modes.
In using the 238U target on the proton beam with E = 660 MeV and on the electron beams with E = 140 MeV, the yields of fission products were determined [1], their half-lives and their gamma spectra were studied, the yield ratio of the capture and fission reactions was estimated, studying the processes of obtaining 239Np have been continued.
1. S.I. Tyutyunnikov, V.I. Stegailov et al., // “NUCLEUS-2021”. St-Petersburg, 131 (2021).