29 October 2023 to 3 November 2023
Europe/Moscow timezone

Transverse single-spin asymetry for inclusive pi0 and eta mesons at forward rapidity in SPD-NICA.

30 Oct 2023, 19:00
The International Conference Hall, Stroiteley str. 2

The International Conference Hall, Stroiteley str. 2

Poster High Energy Physics In-person poster session & welcome drinks


Mayvi Pedraza Monzon (Higher Institute of Technologies and Applied Sciences (InSTEC), University of Havana (UH), Cuba.)


The measurement of transverse single asymmetries (AN) contributes to the better understanding of the nucleon structure. Significant AN values in forward rapidities were obtained in previous experiments, contrary to the pQCD expectations. Different mechanisms to explain such sizeable asymmetries have been proposed and are still under discussion. An analysis based on Monte Carlo simulations of the yield distribution as function of xF and pT and the estimated accuracy level for the transverse single-spin asymmetry measurements, is provided for inclusive pi0 and eta mesons collected in the ECAL - endcaps of the Spin Physics Detector at NICA, with pp collisions up to sqrt(s) = 27 GeV. The eta/pi0 cross-section ratio is also evaluated.

Primary authors

Katherin Shtejer Diaz (JINR, CEADEN) Mayvi Pedraza Monzon (Higher Institute of Technologies and Applied Sciences (InSTEC), University of Havana (UH), Cuba.)

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