29 October 2023 to 3 November 2023
Europe/Moscow timezone

Development of a TOF neutron spectrometer in the BM@N experiment

2 Nov 2023, 15:55
DIAS Hall (-1 floor), BLTP

DIAS Hall (-1 floor), BLTP

Oral Experimental Nuclear Physics Experimental Nuclear Physics


Nikita Lashmanov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


The report is dedicated to the development of a compact time-of-flight neutron spectrometer emitted at large angles in the nucleus-target fragmentation region. Neutron detection was performed using stilbene crystals coupled with an assembly of four SensL SiPMs, allowing measurements to be conducted in a strong magnetic field of 0.9 T. The use of the n/g-pulse shape discrimination method is an important feature of the spectrometer, enabling the discrimination of gamma-ray background and the identification of neutron events. The concept of the spectrometer, construction of neutron detectors and data processing methodology are discussed. The report will cover the current status of processing neutron data obtained in Xe+CsI collisions.

Primary authors

Nikita Lashmanov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Vladimir Yurevich (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Sergey Sedykh (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Sergey Sergeev (oint Institute for Nuclear Research) Victor Rogov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Pavel Grigoriev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Vladimir Tikhomirov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Alexander Timoshenko (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
