29 October 2023 to 3 November 2023
Europe/Moscow timezone

The $\alpha_s$ order of the Drell-Yan process with Z and W boson production, where one hadron is polarized

30 Oct 2023, 19:00
The International Conference Hall, Stroiteley str. 2

The International Conference Hall, Stroiteley str. 2

Poster Theoretical Physics In-person poster session & welcome drinks


Iurii Anikin (Tomsk State University)


We consider the $\alpha_s$ order of the Drell-Yan process with Z and W boson production, where one hadron is polarized. Our work focuses on calculating the helicity structure functions, which determine the angular distribution of leptons in the pair rest frame. The calculation is performed using the collinear approximation.

Primary authors

Dr Alexey Zhevlakov (BLTP JINR) Iurii Anikin (Tomsk State University) Prof. Valeri Lyubovitskij (Tuebingen university)

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