29 October 2023 to 3 November 2023
Europe/Moscow timezone

A method for numerical solution of a non-stationary Schrödinger equation based on Lee-Trotter-Suzuki formula.

1 Nov 2023, 17:10
Bogolyubov Hall (2nd floor), BLTP, JINR

Bogolyubov Hall (2nd floor), BLTP, JINR

Oral Theoretical Physics Theoretical Physics


Dr Maxim Zakharov (MIPT, FLNP)


The report presents a brief overview of the family of methods for numerical solution of a non-stationary Schrödinger equation, based on an application of the Lee-Trotter-Suzuki product formula to an approximation of the evolution operator. A way for optimizing high-order accuracy circuits is presented. The application of the Lee-Trotter-Suzuki method to solving some non-stationary problems is demonstrated.

Primary author

Dr Maxim Zakharov (MIPT, FLNP)

Presentation materials