A model of the α-cluster radioactivity of even-even nuclei is presented.
In this model, the collective motion in mass-asymmetry coordinate determines the probability to form a cluster in the surface region of the nucleus [1].
The tunneling in the coordinate of the relative distance between the centers of mass of the
cluster and the daughter nucleus determines the penetrability of the barrier of the nucleus-nucleus potential.
The calculations was performed in the two-potential approach [2].
The α-decay half-lives are calculated for various Ra, Th, U, and Pu isotopes. The fine-structure of alpha-decay, i.e. the relative yields of alpha-decay from the ground-state of the mother nucleus to the various yrast states of the daughter nucleus
is demonstrated on the particular examples of 〖^230〗Ra, (^232)Th and (^240)Pu.
[1] T.M.Shneidman, G.G.Adamian, N.V.Antonenko, R.V.Jolos, S.-G.Zhou, Phys.Rev. C 92, 034302 (2015).
[2] S.A.Gurvitz, Phys.Rev. A 38, 1747 (1988).