SPD Physics and MC Meeting N40

    • 1
      Status of separating MAPS and DSSD detector description in the SpdRoot source code
      Speaker: Artem Vasyukov (JINR)
    • 2
      Status of FARICH simulation in SpdRoot
      Speaker: Artem Ivanov (JINR)
    • 3
      Geant4 FTF and QGS model description of the latest data by the NA61/SHINE collaboration on K0s meson production in pp-interactions
      Speakers: Владимир Ужинский (LIT, JINR), Aida Galoyan (Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics)
    • 4
      Lambda and antilambda reconstruction efficiency
      Speaker: Daniil Gubachev
    • 5
      On muon identificvation in RS
      Speaker: Ivan Yeletskikh (JINR)
    • 6
      The simulation of the magnetic field influence on the BBC load
      Speaker: Arkadiy Terekhin (JINR)
    • 7
      Toy MC analysis for BBC in magnetic field
      Speaker: Igor Denisenko (JINR)