First In-person coordination meeting of the ITS-miniBeBe cooperation

LHEP-216/R120 (VBLHEP)



First In-person coordination meeting of the ITS-miniBeBe cooperation on 18/10/2024


·       Alejandro Ayala,

·       Alejandro Rodriguez Alvarez,

·       Antonio Ulises Sáenz Trujillo,

·       Cesar Ceballos Sanchez,

·       Ivonne Alicia Maldonado Cervantes,

·       Ekaterina Tsapulina,

·       Galileo Tinoco,

·       Maribel Herrera Barrera,

·       Tuyana Lygdenova,

·       Ana Paula Villanueva Tenorio

·       Mauricio Alvarado

·       Yuri Murin.

Meeting minutes:

Ø  Topics discussed,

Ø  Decisions made / Next steps / Action Items (AI) defined,


·       Current status and future steps of the miniBeBe Mexican team mission to JINR (report by Alejandro Ayala):

The report on the current works was presented:

o   half module of miniBeBe detector together with mechanical support was produced by the team and demonstrated,

o   testing of the module produced is in-progress:

o   electronical testing is performed with assistance from S. Golovatuk group,

o   in-beam tests are being considered and planned,

o   thermal load of the modules to be dissipated is planned to be determine soon (thermal camera is ready for that purpose).

o   The custom-designed power supply board was successfully tested earlier in Mexico although the noise level should be reduced. The works on testing and improving noise level and protection systems are in-progress.

(AI miniBeBe and Dubna teams): Interchange technical information and of the power supplies developed by each team.


o   The set-up of the simulation environment is in-progress now (URQMD generator, E = 2.5 AGeV). The major updates should consider the lead time for particles registration, the updates related to miniBeBe detector geometry and the real configuration of the beam pipe and detectors system for the first runs.
(AI for Dubna team): To share with the Mexican team group the information on the confirmed configuration of the beam pipe for first runs.

o   description of the miniBeBe components align with their quantities and cost estimation for the information available was presented.

Issues / bottlenecks discussed:

o   CAEN modules can be purchased and delivered to Mexico, but there is an issue to bring them to JINR. Alternative modules produced in Russia were discussed but considered as not fully suitable.


·       Round Table: Discussion and planning:

The main parameters to be obtained as a result of ITS-miniBeBe cooperation during the current visit were discussed, they are:

o   the miniBeBe detector resolution time,

o   detector’s module power consumption per cm2.


·       A.O.B.

No additional topics for discussions.


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