Emil Akhmedov |
On the relevance of quantum corrections in strong background fields |
Mikhail Alfimov |
CFTs and their integrable deformations defined by screening charges |
Lev Astrakhantsev |
Holographic RG flows in gauged supergravity |
Mikhail Babich |
On isomonodromy deformations of differential systems. |
Andrei Barvinsky |
Schwinger-DeWitt technique and its applications in complicated models of QFT and quantum gravity |
Alexander Bednyakov |
Ring of invariants in the two-higgs doublet model : an application of Groebner bases to RG studies |
Liudmila Bishler |
Universal quantum and Macdonald dimensions |
Dmitri Bykov |
Matrix quantum mechanics and index theorems |
Ronggen Cai |
The interior structure of hairy black holes |
Bin Chen |
On Carrollian conformal field theory |
Dmitrii Diakonov |
De Sitter thermodynamics |
Branko Dragovich |
Simple nonlocal de Sitter gravity |
Anton Galajinsky |
Rational Ruijsenaars-Schneider model with cosmological constant |
Vyacheslav Ivanovsky | Движение точечной частицы на фоне полей высших спинов |
Olesya Haneychuk |
Exact relations in N=1 supersymmetric theories at the three-loop level |
Song He |
Geometric Formulation of Generalized Energy Momentum Tensor induced Deformations |
Ravil Iakhibbaev |
Holomorphic effective potential in Wess-Zumino model at three loops |
Aleksandr Ivanov |
Regularization and gluing of partition functions |
Alexey Kalugin |
Determinant anomalies and the Wodzicki residue |
Nikita Kolganov |
Quantum chaos measures for Floquet systems |
Postnov Konstantin |
Searching for ultralight dark matter signals in pulsar experiments |
Anatoliy Korybut |
On consistency of the interacting (anti)holomorphic higher-spin sector |
Anatoly Kotikov |
On hatted zeta-values in Feynman diagrams |
Nikolay Krasnikov |
Bounds on the invariant charges in QED and QCD |
Viacheslav Krivorol |
Sigma models and (co)adjoint orbits |
Alexander Kurov |
RG flow of projectable Horava gravity in 3+1 dimensions |
Andrew Kuzovchikov |
Mechanics on coadjoint orbits |
Hui Liu |
(Anti-)Stokes Scattering on Domain Wall in 2+1D |
Vladimir Khiteev |
Gravitational Wilson networks and Witten diagrams |
Nikolay Marchuk |
Equation for neutrinos with non-zero mass |
Andrey Mironov |
Tyurin parameters and commuting difference operators of rank 2 |
Sergey Mironov |
KK compactification of Horndeski theory and the speed of gravity |
Nikita Misuna |
Higher-spin fields in spinor space |
Edvard Musaev |
Dualities and symmetries of M-theory vacua |
Anatoly Ovchinnikov |
Lattice local integrable regularization of the Sine-Gordon model. |
Dmitry Ponomarev |
Chiral higher-spin double copy |
Ekaterina Pozdeeva |
Reconstruction of inflationary scenarios in EGB gravity |
Zoran Rakić |
New Cosmological Solutions of a Nonlocal Gravity Model |
Radoslav Rashkov |
On holographic correspondence: complexity, warped CFT and bulk paths |
Andrei Shafarevich |
Lagrangian manifolds and Petrovsky surfaces, corresponding to short-wave asymptotics for hyperbolic systems with abruptly varying coefficients |
Timofei Snegirev |
Perfect fluid dynamics with conformal Newton-Hook symmetry |
Konstantin Stepanyantz |
All-loop renormalization group invariants in supersymmetric theories with multiple gauge couplings |
Valeriy Tolstoy |
New Supersymmetries |
Nikita Tselousov |
Matrix models and algebras |
Mikhail Vasiliev |
New results in higher-spin gauge theory |
Sergey Vernov |
New slow-roll approximations in modified gravity inflationary models |
Tsvetan Vetsov |
Quantum Fisher metric and (non)equilibrium optimal control of harmonic oscillator in external fields |
Wladyslaw Wachowski |
"Metric-affine-like" generalization of YM |
Nikita Zaigraev |
Towards N=2 AdS harmonic superspace |
Yurii Zinoviev |
Partially massless fields and supersymmetry |
Евгений Иванов |
Как работает гармоническое суперпространство: N=2 высшие спины |
Михаил Катанаев |
Катанаев М., Марк А. "Гиперболические и эллиптические дислокации" |
Полина Маковеева |
Функционал Ляпунова-Красовского с заданной производной и матрица Ляпунова для уравнения в частных производных с запаздыванием |
А.Д. Миронов |
Quantum toroidal algebra, generalized Ruijsenaars Hamiltonians and their eigenfunctions |
Dmitry Khudoteplov |
Универсальность Вожеля и диаграммная техника |
Слепцов Алексей |
Алгебра Вожеля и ее приложения к теории инвариантов узлов |
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