List of Talks

List of Talks.pdf

Emil Akhmedov

On the relevance of quantum corrections in strong background fields

Mikhail Alfimov

CFTs and their integrable deformations defined by screening charges

Lev Astrakhantsev

Holographic RG flows in gauged supergravity

Mikhail Babich

On isomonodromy deformations of differential systems.

Andrei Barvinsky

Schwinger-DeWitt technique and its applications in complicated models of QFT and quantum gravity

Alexander Bednyakov

Ring of invariants in the two-higgs doublet model : an application of Groebner bases to RG studies

Liudmila Bishler

Universal quantum and Macdonald dimensions

Dmitri Bykov

Matrix quantum mechanics and index theorems

Ronggen Cai

The interior structure of hairy black holes

Bin Chen

On Carrollian conformal field theory

Dmitrii Diakonov

De Sitter thermodynamics

Branko Dragovich

Simple nonlocal de Sitter gravity

Anton Galajinsky

Rational Ruijsenaars-Schneider model with cosmological constant

Vyacheslav Ivanovsky Движение точечной частицы на фоне полей высших спинов

Olesya Haneychuk

Exact relations in N=1 supersymmetric theories at the three-loop level

Song He

Geometric Formulation of Generalized Energy Momentum Tensor induced Deformations

Ravil Iakhibbaev

Holomorphic effective potential in Wess-Zumino model at three loops

Aleksandr Ivanov

Regularization and gluing of partition functions

Alexey Kalugin

Determinant anomalies and the Wodzicki residue

Nikita Kolganov

Quantum chaos measures for Floquet systems

Postnov Konstantin

Searching for ultralight dark matter signals in pulsar experiments

Anatoliy Korybut

On consistency of the interacting (anti)holomorphic higher-spin sector

Anatoly Kotikov

On hatted zeta-values in Feynman diagrams

Nikolay Krasnikov

Bounds on the invariant charges in QED and QCD

Viacheslav Krivorol

Sigma models and (co)adjoint orbits

Alexander Kurov

RG flow of projectable Horava gravity in 3+1 dimensions

Andrew Kuzovchikov

Mechanics on coadjoint orbits

Hui Liu

(Anti-)Stokes Scattering on Domain Wall in 2+1D

Vladimir Khiteev

Gravitational Wilson networks and Witten diagrams

Nikolay Marchuk

Equation for neutrinos with non-zero mass

Andrey Mironov

Tyurin parameters and commuting difference operators of rank 2

Sergey Mironov

KK compactification of Horndeski theory and the speed of gravity

Nikita Misuna

Higher-spin fields in spinor space

Edvard Musaev

Dualities and symmetries of M-theory vacua

Anatoly Ovchinnikov

Lattice local integrable regularization of the Sine-Gordon model.

Dmitry Ponomarev

Chiral higher-spin double copy

Ekaterina Pozdeeva

Reconstruction of inflationary scenarios in EGB gravity

Zoran Rakić

New Cosmological Solutions of a Nonlocal Gravity Model

Radoslav Rashkov

On holographic correspondence: complexity, warped CFT and bulk paths

Andrei Shafarevich

Lagrangian manifolds and Petrovsky surfaces, corresponding to short-wave asymptotics for hyperbolic systems with abruptly varying coefficients

Timofei Snegirev

Perfect fluid dynamics with conformal Newton-Hook symmetry

Konstantin Stepanyantz

All-loop renormalization group invariants in supersymmetric theories with multiple gauge couplings

Valeriy Tolstoy

New Supersymmetries

Nikita Tselousov

Matrix models and algebras

Mikhail Vasiliev

New results in higher-spin gauge theory

Sergey Vernov

New slow-roll approximations in modified gravity inflationary models

Tsvetan Vetsov

Quantum Fisher metric and (non)equilibrium optimal control of harmonic oscillator in external fields

Wladyslaw Wachowski

"Metric-affine-like" generalization of YM

Nikita Zaigraev

Towards N=2 AdS harmonic superspace

Yurii Zinoviev

Partially massless fields and supersymmetry

Евгений Иванов

Как работает гармоническое суперпространство: N=2 высшие спины

Михаил Катанаев

Катанаев М., Марк А. "Гиперболические и эллиптические дислокации"

Полина Маковеева

Функционал Ляпунова-Красовского с заданной производной и матрица Ляпунова для уравнения в частных производных с запаздыванием

А.Д. Миронов

Quantum toroidal algebra, generalized Ruijsenaars Hamiltonians and their eigenfunctions

Dmitry Khudoteplov

Универсальность Вожеля и диаграммная техника

Слепцов Алексей

Алгебра Вожеля и ее приложения к теории инвариантов узлов