Dmitry Sosnov
(NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - PNPI)
- resolution with overpressure
- ASD results from Lunnio were shared, to be compared
- 93/7 for different pressure - add derivative as well
- charge for overpressured runs vs charge for nominal pressure
- Garfield x-check (put task for Sonja to the public chat)
- 9mV/fC vs 3mV/fC - calbiration for 3 mV/fC seems to be not perfect, for 9mV/fC is absent
- check CAEN pulse generator if can be used for different rising edges; what is the amplitude; how to recalculate to charge
- resume brainstorming on calibration
- PS data: cherenkov efficiency - add October values
- efficiency and x-talk for sMDT team:
- evaluate efficiency (xcheck) - ASD
- evaluete x-tack - mu2e
- chat on synchroneous digitization
- what is our usual noize rate for good (~ 3fC) threshold and good straw?