Oct 29 – 30, 2018
Europe/Moscow timezone
Conference hall
Dubna, Russia

2nd Collaboration meeting 
of the MPD and BM@N experiments 
at the NICA Facility

will take place in Dubna, Russia

at V.I.Veksler and A.M.Baldin 

of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

on October 29-30, 2018

The 2nd collaboration meeting of the MPD and BM@N experiments at the NICA facility will take place in Dubna at the V.I.Veksler and A.M.Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics (VBLHEP)  of JINR on October 29-30, 2018.
The discussions and presentations at the meeting will center around the following topics:

  • Presentations, discussions and votes on new institutions seeking to join the MPD or the BM@N Collaboration.
  • Presentation of candidates and elections of chairperson of the Institutional Board of the MPD and BM@N Collaborations.
  • Presentation of candidates and elections of spokesperson  of the MPD and BM@N Collaborations.
  • Сurrent status and plans of the MPD and BM@N experiments, including subsystems construction, simulations, expected performance of the detectors and preparedness for data analysis.

Due to the importance of this meeting, group leaders of institutions already involved in the MPD or BM@N experiments are urged to participate at the meeting and to register as early as possible. Other groups potentially interested, in one or the two experiments, are also invited to participate at the meeting.

NICA facility