Workshop Programme
The main workshop aims are associated with the implementation of the NICA project and discussion of the results of Nuclotron-M runs in 2016-2018.The workshop program will consist of oral presentations (20-30 minutes). The official workshop languages are Russian and English.
The main workshop aims are associated with the implementation of the NICA project and discussion of the results of Nuclotron-M runs in 2016-2018.The workshop program will consist of oral presentations (20-30 minutes). The official workshop languages are Russian and English.
Workshop topics
- Modern heavy ions accelerator developments: cyclic accelerator, storage rings and colliders
- NICA project status
- High energy beam transportation channels: problems and solutions
- Beam dynamics in synchrotrons and storage rings
- Application of beam cooling methods in NICA Collider to achieve maximal luminosity
- High-current power supplies for superconducting accelerators
- Technique of cold tests and magnetic measurements for fast cycling SC magnets
- Development of complex vacuum systems for superconducting accelerators
- Ion sources, linear accelerator structures and injectors
- Cryogenics and superconducting technologies
- Accelerator diagnostic and control systems, automatization of complex engineering systems