FLUKA and GEANT4 simulations for studying the production of 6He

17 Mar 2016, 15:30
Large Conference Hall, 2nd floor (Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics)

Large Conference Hall, 2nd floor

Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics


Mrs Raushan Kabytayeva (FLNR, JINR)


In this paper the experimental results and simulation results of the production of the exotic 6He nuclei with the use of the 22 MeV electron beam provided by the MT-25 microtron are presented. This method for obtaining 6 He nuclei may turn out to be one of the most optimal and inexpensive as compared with other methods, which are used for the production of exotic nuclei.

Primary author

Mrs Raushan Kabytayeva (FLNR, JINR)

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