Creation and results of experiments on a full scale model of the cold moderator in the central direction (CM 1) for IBR-2 reactor. Technical support and devices.

17 Mar 2016, 16:50
Large Conference Hall, 2nd floor (Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics)

Large Conference Hall, 2nd floor

Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics

Oral Particle Accelerators and Nuclear Reactors AYSS 2016 competition


Mr Konstantin Mukhin (JINR)


In the plan of the modernization IBR-2 reactor around a reactor core will be installed 3 cryogenic neutron moderators. For slowdown neutrons in moderators use a mesitylene with m-xylene as frozen beads with a diameter of 3-4 mm. These pellets are served in a moderator chamber by a helium flow. Currently, one of the moderators (202) is already installed and working on the experiment. Given the positive experience of the moderator (202) is now commissioned a full-scale stand retarder 201 with reference to the premises. The report will be submitted to the moderator 201. The main problem of transportation is download pellets in a moderator chamber (pellets should raise up the height of 4 meters at an angle of 50 degrees). It condition is defined by the geometric position of the moderator in a reactor biodefense . Will present the results of experiments on the loading pellets into the moderator chamber and proposed the concept of a moderator with the continuous change of pellets without stop of the reactor cycle. In presentation will be show a cryogenic system for all cryogenic complex of cold moderator. It is including two cryogenic refrigerators 700 watt and 1200 watt. If necessary, refrigerators can replace each other.

Primary author

Mr Konstantin Mukhin (JINR)


Mr Alexandr Belyakov (JINR) Mr Alexandr Kulikov (JINR) Mr Alexandr Kustov (JINR) Mr Alexandr Lubimcev (JINR) Mr Evgeniy Shabalin (JINR) Mr Maxim Bulavin (JINR) Mr Vladimir Anan'ev (JINR)

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