Heterogeneous cluster HybriLIT: New possibilities for the development of parallel applications

17 Mar 2016, 13:10
Large Conference Hall, 2nd floor (Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics)

Large Conference Hall, 2nd floor

Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics

Oral Information Technology AYSS 2016 competition


Shushanik Torosyan (LIT JINR)


In order to increase the efficiency of work on the heterogeneous cluster HybriLIT, there appears a need to develop an information-computing environment for work with parallel programming technologies used in the development of high performance applications and for carrying out computations by means of resources of the heterogeneous cluster. In order to provide new possibilities for a more efficient work on the cluster, the following software has been installed on the cluster: • SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management); • CernVM-FS (CERN virtual machine file system); • EOS (file system); • NFS (network file system); • MODULES. With an increasing number of users of the cluster, in order to provide new possibilities for efficient work management and mutual development of projects, new services such as GitLab [1] and FreeIPA [2] have been introduced. Other services provided for users include: • HybriLIT website [3]; • HybriLIT User Support project in Project Management Service [4]; • Indico service [5]. References: 1. GitLab service: gitlab-hybrilit.jinr.ru 2. FreeIPA: dobby.jinr.ru 3. HybriLIT portal: hybrilit.jinr.ru 4. Project Management Service: pm.jinr.ru 5. Indico service: indico-hybrilit.jinr.ru

Primary author

Shushanik Torosyan (LIT JINR)


Belyakov Dmitry (LIT JINR) Lucia Valova (Institute of experimental physics of SAS Kosice, Slovakia) Martin Vala (Institute of experimental physics of SAS Kosice, Slovakia) Mikhail Matveev (LIT JINR) Tatiana Zaikina (LIT JINR)

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