Analysis of the rare decay K+→mu nu mu mu

17 Apr 2019, 15:00


Oral High Energy Physics High energy physics


Ms Aigul Baeva (JINR,LHEP)


The main goal of the NA62 experiment at CERN is a study of the ultrarare decay К+ → pi nu nu. The collected statistics allows to analyse other rare decays, in particular, К+→ mu nu mu mu. Rare decays make it possible to experimentally investigate one of the aspects of the Standard Model, the chiral perturbative theory (ChPT). ChPT predicts decay probability of К→ mu nu mu mu: 1.35 х 10^(-8). This decay channel is also of great interest due to the fact, that it was not experimentally observed, there is only an upper limit < 4.1 х 10^(-7) CL 90%. We present the research methodology, the first results of signal selection and the study of the background sources for the decay.

Primary author

Ms Aigul Baeva (JINR,LHEP)

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