Kinetic description of the electron-positron plasma created from vacuum under the action of a strong laser field

15 Apr 2019, 17:45


Oral Theoretical Physics Theoretical Physics


Mr Stanislav Pirogov (Olegovich)


We consider a self-consistent kinetic description of a electron-positron-gamma plasma, generated from the vacuum in a focal spot of two counterpropagating laser pulses. At the moment in our model includes purely time-dependent external (laser) field, but properly takes into account the semiclassical internal (plasma) field. While nonperturbative kinetic description of electron-positron pair production from vacuum have been previously addressed, quantum radiation is included in such a model for the first time. The basis of this kinetic description provides by using the BBGKY-chain, which we truncate at second order of perturbation theory by taking into account only the annihilation and bremsstrahlung channels. The goal of this work is an extended generalization of the results [1]. [1] D.B. Blaschke, V.V. Dmitriev, G. Roepke, and S.A. Smolyansky, PRD 84, 085028 (2011).

Primary author

Mr Stanislav Pirogov (Olegovich)

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