Information Technologies: Part 1
- Olga Derenovskaya (LIT JINR)
- Igor Pelevanyuk (JINR)
Information Technologies: Part 2
- Igor Pelevanyuk (JINR)
- Olga Derenovskaya (LIT JINR)
Alexander Nozik
4/18/19, 2:00 PM
Information Technology
Kotlin is a new but astonishingly fast developing general purpose language. It already conquered android and currently fighting for web back-end market. The important part is that being "better Java", Kotlin has a potential to be a good language for scientific purposes. Especially with arrival of multi-platform compilation and support of JavaScript and native targets.
In this talk I would...
Alexey Vorontsov
4/18/19, 2:15 PM
Information Technology
A complex engineering infrastructure has been developed to support Govorun supercomputer that is expansion of the HybriLIT heterogeneous cluster. This infrastructure combines integration of two solutions on cooling systems: air cooling system for the GPU-component and water cooling system for the CPU-component based on the solution of the RSC Group. The report provides a review of the...
Ivan Kashunin
4/18/19, 2:30 PM
Information Technology
The GOVORUN ssupercomputer is designed for the development of parallel applications and for carrying out parallel computations required by a wide range of tasks in JINR.
To increase the efficiency of the GOVORUN supercomputer, the following should be done:
a) supercomputer’s accounting system - helps supervisors and system administrators evaluate performance of the supercomputer; b)...
Pavel Goncharov
(Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel, Gomel, Belarus)
4/18/19, 3:30 PM
Information Technology
Modern high-energy physical detectors provide a huge amount of data, and for future high-luminosity colliders such as NICA, an Exabyte data scale is expected. Particle track reconstruction in such a dense environment is a very challenging task. Common algorithms make use of hand-engineered features and do not scale well with detector occupancy. This work is a logical continuation of the...
Egor Shchavelev
(Saint Petersburg State University)
4/18/19, 3:45 PM
Information Technology
Tracking particles is a challenging problem in modern high-energy physics detectors producing a vast amount of data, such as experiments on the future NICA collider. Particle track reconstruction is one of the important parts of such experiments, but existing tracking algorithms do not scale well with a growing data stream. In the same time, new effective tracking methods based on graph neural...
Alexander Chebotov
4/18/19, 4:30 PM
Information Technology
The NICA megaproject implementing at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) is aimed at recreating and investigating a nuclear matter under extreme conditions. One of the experiments of the NICA project is the BM@N (Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron) setup proposed to study a dense matter produced in collisions of elementary particles and heavy ions with a fixed target. To solve the task of...
Vladislav Sharov
(Laboratory of nuclear problems. V. P. Dzhelepova)
4/18/19, 4:45 PM
Information Technology
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a multipurpose reactor neutrino experiment
currently under construction in Jiangmen, China. The main physics goal of Juno is to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy by measuring the reactor antineutrino flux from two Nuclear Power Plants located in southern China.
The experiment will be a record in energy resolution (3% at 1 MeV)...
Maxim Efimov
4/18/19, 5:00 PM
Information Technology
Automatic control system of the NICA complex is based on Tango Controls technology. Tango possibility to create device server is illustrated on example of fast digital oscilloscope in this report.
Andrey Bulatov
(State University Dubna, JINR)
4/18/19, 5:15 PM
Information Technology
Scientists in high energy physics produce their output mostly in form of histograms. Set of histograms are saved in output
file for each grid job. As the next step is to merge these files/histograms to one file where scientist can produce final plots
for publication. Merging of these out files may be done sequentially as one job or do it in parallel via binary tree algorithm
as it is done...
Anton Shekhovtsov
4/18/19, 5:30 PM
Information Technology
Automatic control system of the NICA complex is based on Tango Controls technology. Tango possibility to create client application is illustrated on example of fast digital oscilloscope in this report.