
Plenary session

15 Apr 2019, 10:20



Plenary session: Prof. Sharkov Boris "JINR – a world center for fundamental physics"

  • Olga Derenovskaya (LIT JINR)

Plenary session: Dr. Karpov Alexander "Superheavy Element Factory"

  • Olga Derenovskaya (LIT JINR)

Plenary session: Dr. Lavrik Evgeny "Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment at FAIR"

  • Olga Derenovskaya (LIT JINR)

Plenary session: Dr. Shvetsov Valery "Fundamental properties of neutrons"

  • Aidos Issadykov (Jinr)

Plenary session: Prof. Rubakov Valery "The Universe before the hot Big Bang"

  • Aidos Issadykov (Jinr)

Plenary session: Prof. Kazakov Dmitry "At the edge of discoveries in particle physics (worldwide and with JINR participation)"

  • Aidos Issadykov (Jinr)

Plenary session: Dr. Eremin Roman "Computer modeling of disordered crystals"

  • Aidos Issadykov (Jinr)

Plenary session: Prof. Kisiel Adam "Towards realisation of the MPD project"

  • Alexey Aparin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)

Plenary session: Dr. Chudoba Vratislav "Exotic nuclei in everyday life"

  • Alexey Aparin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)

Plenary session: Dr. Zinicovscaia Inga "Application of neutron activation analysis in the environmental studies"

  • Alexander Verkheev (JINR)

Presentation materials

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