Andrei Ivashchenko
(St.Petersburg State University)
05/07/2016, 13:30
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Abstract. This article discusses the aspect of visualization appliance by the usage of distributed computing systems. It describes possible practical scope for several visualization technologies on the basis of an example for the construction such an application exploiting modern technologies and ready-made solutions. An extra attention is paid to the selection of software packages and to the...
Andrey Kiryanov
05/07/2016, 13:45
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Plenary reports
Identity Federation (IdF, aka Federated Identity) is the means of interlinking people's electronic identities stored across multiple distinct identity management systems. This technology has gained momentum in the last several years and is becoming popular in academic organisations involved in international collaborations.
One example of such federation is eduGAIN, which interconnects...
Evgeniya Milova
(St.Petersburg State University)
05/07/2016, 14:00
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Abstract: This proposal considers about possible approaches for the creation of visualization system designed for scientific experiments. Possible hardware solutions represented with various combinations of numerous components, such as computing nodes based on graphics cards, visualization and virtualization servers, and peripheral devices are studied in details. Description of software...
Vitaly Yermolchyk
05/07/2016, 14:15
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Status of the BY-NCPHEP site presented. Upgrade and transition to rackmounted servers continued. Improvements in the usability of storage system usage is discussed.
Elena Tikhonenko
05/07/2016, 14:30
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector is one of two general purpose experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. CMS is a high-performance detector for seeking out new physics. The detector was designed and built by a worldwide collaboration of about two thousand physicists from more than 30 countries. Russia and Dubna Member States (RDMS) CMS collaboration involves more than...
Dmitry Kulyabov
05/07/2016, 14:45
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
When we organize parallel computations on a cluster system, the computer system structure is not hidden from the user, and should be taken into account while writing parallel programs. GRID ideology introduces an additional level of abstraction and makes it possible to link together heterogeneous computing systems. In fact, the inability to control the operating environment makes developers to...
Vladislav Kashansky
(SUSU, Electronics Department)
05/07/2016, 15:30
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
GRID model became widely used last years, arranging lots of computational resources in different environments, revealing problems of Big Data and
horizontally scalable multiuser systems. In this paper there is an analysis of TRIE data structure and its application in contemporary GRID-related technologies, including routing (L3 OSI) and specialized key-value storages engine implementation (L7...
Konstantin Gertsenberger
05/07/2016, 15:45
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
The simulated data processing before receiving first experimental data is an important issue in the high-energy physics experiments. This work presents Mock Data Challenge (MDC) for the MPD experiment at the NICA accelerator complex. It uses the ongoing simulation studies to exercise in a stress-testing distributed computing infrastructure and experiment software in the full production...
Дарья Пряхина
05/07/2016, 16:00
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
В ЛИТ ОИЯИ проводятся работы по созданию компьютерного off-line комплекса для моделирования, обработки, анализа и хранения данных комплекса NICA. В состав комплекса входят различные экспериментальные установки, в том числе BM@N для проведения экспериментов на Нуклотроне с выведенными пучками тяжелых ионов. В 2017 году планируется запуск эксперимента BM@N, в связи с чем необходимо создать...
Vagram Airiian
(LIT JINR / Dubna State University)
05/07/2016, 16:15
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
The project is aimed at modelling LIT Cloud infrastructure at JINR and solving a problem of effective resource utilization and performance evaluation of allocation and migration algorithms considering virtual machines deployment at the facilities. The main intention is to distribute processes over involved resources with the highest density possible. In order to fulfil the requirements...
Alexander Novikov
(National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute")
05/07/2016, 16:30
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Modern biology uses complex algorithms and sophisticated software toolkits for genome sequencing studies, computations for which are impossible without access to powerful or significant computing resources. Recent advances of Next Generation Genome Sequencing (NGS) technology led to increasing volumes of sequencing data that need to be processed, analyzed and made available for...
Nugzar Makhaldiani
05/07/2016, 16:45
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
GRIG is considered as a discrete dynamical system. Quanputers are discrete dynamical systems extended by corresponding linear systems up to the hamiltonian systems. The theory, construction and programming of quanputers considered [1].
of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied...