Ilia Chernov
05/07/2016, 13:30
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
In the report we will review and discuss challenges, approaches, and results of scheduling tasks in Desktop grids. Besides a review of published articles, we are going to present our approach, models, and results.
Mikhail Posypkin
Nikolay Khrapov
05/07/2016, 13:45
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
The report considered the effective implementation of the branch-and-bound method on the desktopgrid systems. The description of the BOINC system, its features, significant from the point of view of the implementation of this method. Description of experimental calculations and observed phenomena.
The report contains a description of the approaches to the calculation and analysis of their...
Anatoliy Saevskiy
(National University of Science and Technology MISiS)
05/07/2016, 14:00
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
This review summarizes and classifies all issues with which faced developers during maintaining and developing BOINC’s based projects. In conclusion have been claimed directions of BOINC’s development, which targets on meeting needs of BOINC’s users.
Natalia Nikitina
(Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, Karelian Research Center RAS)
05/07/2016, 14:15
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
In many applied scientific problems, diversity of the results set is no less important than their amount. An example of such problem is the virtual drug screening. According to the principles of drug development, the structural diversity is one of the key characteristics of the resulting molecules set. At the same time, virtual drug screening is a time- and resource-consuming computational...
Nikolay Khrapov
05/07/2016, 14:30
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
The prediction of the crystal structure is an important area in the chemistry and physics. There are many software implementations for solving this problem. The report contains the overview of the main implementations. The specific theme of the report is to adapt the application GULP to the infrastructure.
The General Utility Lattice Program (GULP) is designed to perform a variety of tasks...
Eduard Vatutin
(Southwest State University)
05/07/2016, 15:30
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
One of important classes of combinatorial and discrete optimization problems [1] is formed by enumeration problems. During their decision one needs to determine a number of objects with specified properties. The simplest examples of such problems are well known problems about chess rooks, chess queens, etc. For some of them precise analytic decisions are known, while to solve others one needs...
Eduard Vatutin
(Southwest State University)
05/07/2016, 15:45
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
One of promising approaches to the logic control systems (LCS) design is their implementation within logic multicontrollers (LMC) basis which are presented as the collective of similar controllers connected by network with regular topology [1]. One of the problems corresponding to a class of discrete combinatorial optimization problems [2] that arise during LMC design is a problem of getting...
Eduard Vatutin
(Southwest State University)
05/07/2016, 16:00
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
There is a well known extensive class of optimization problems where parameters are discrete variables. They include problems from graphs theory, scheduling, operations research and so on. One part of them named as hard solved problems and forming a NP complexity class can’t be solved precisely for reasonable computing time therefore in practice for their solving heuristic methods are used. At...
Oleg Zaikin
(Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences)
05/07/2016, 16:15
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
Usually if the cryptanalysis is considered as a SAT problem then it is called a SAT-based cryptanalysis. In this case to find a secret key it is sufficient to find a solution of corresponding satisfiable SAT instance. Here we consider the SAT-based cryptanalysis of the Bivium keystream generator. This generator uses two shift registers of a special kind. The first register contains 93 cells...
Alexey Zhuravlev
(Internet portal BOINC.ru)
05/07/2016, 16:30
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
In every volunteer computing project some deadline is used. It is the time limit for execution of a computational tasks on a user computer. If a task wasn’t processed in deadline, then project server sends this task to another user’s host.
The value of deadline has a great influence to effectiveness of a volunteer computing project. If this value is low, then a lot of hosts will not keep...
Vladimir Bezrodny
(Volga State University of Technology)
05/07/2016, 16:45
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
В статье рассматривается архитектура и особенности реализации распределенной вычислительной сети MarGrid для решения задач, обладающих высокой вычислительной сложностью. MarGrid представляет собой клиент-серверную распределенную вычислительную сеть (РВС), построенная на базе трехуровневой архитектуры (клиентская часть приложения - сервер приложения - сервер базы данных). Для обмена сообщениями...
Ilya Kurochkin
05/07/2016, 17:00
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
Предложен новый измерительный инструмент для оценки качества проектов добровольных распределенных вычислений - ЯК-рейтинг. Разработана анкета для сбора информации от сообщества добровольцев распределенных вычислений. Представлены первичные результаты опроса и составлен предварительный рейтинг проектов.
Виктор Тищенко
(Институт системного анализа ФИЦ "Информатика и управление" РАН)
05/07/2016, 17:15
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
В исследовании показано, что виртуальное сообщество российских участников добровольных распределённых вычислений (volunteer computing, VC) на платформе BOINC может быть рассмотрено в форме сети. В качестве узлов сети рассмотрены 2 типа объектов: участники сообщества (аккаунты пользователей, зарегистрированных на сайте boinc.ru) и исследовательские проекты, в которых пользователи принимают...