Lecturers and tutors
- Antonenko V.A. - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Research Fellow, Moscow State University
- Ilyin V.A. - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Chief researcher NRC Kurchatov Institute & Head of the chair on iformatics and computing networks MIPT, Academic Director of National Center for Cognitive Research, University ITMO (St. Petersburg)
- Inkina V.A. - Assistant of the Competitive Systems Analysis Department, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
- Kadochnikov I.S. - Software Engineer of Laboratory of Information Technologies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Senior Researcher of the scientific laboratory "Cloud technologies and BigData analytics", Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
- Korenkov V.V. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director of Laboratory of Information Technologies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Head of the scientific laboratory "Cloud technologies and BigData analytics", Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
- Ososkov G.A. - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of Laboratory of Information Technologies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
- Pelevanuk I.S. - Software Engineer of Laboratory of Information Technologies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Specialist of the scientific laboratory "Cloud technologies and BigData analytics", Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
- Sivkov D. - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Technology Consulting Enabling Engineer, Intel
- Stadnik A.V. - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, assistant professor of Dubna State University, Research Director of Videointlect Company
- Stepanov E.P. - PhD student, Moscow State University
- Streltsova O.I. - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher of Laboratory of Information Technologies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research