July 26, 2017 to August 4, 2017
Brasov, Romania
Europe/Bucharest timezone


Welcome to NUCPHYS-SC&APPL 2017

The 8th International Student Summer School “Nuclear Physics – Science and Applications” (NUCPHYS-SC&APPL) will be held on 26 July – 4 August, 2017 in Brasov, Romania.

      NUCPHYS-SC&APPL is a periodical meeting organized by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in collaboration with the universities and scientific centers from JINR member states. The goal of the School is to stimulate students to choose the way of scientific activity presenting them the status and advances in different applications of nuclear physics in the life sciences and technology, frontiers in physics and description of modern experimental setups available in JINR.

      The first Summer School was organized on June 27 – July 11, 2001 in JINR Dubna and was focused on the nuclear physics methods and the accelerators in biology and medicine. The next editions were organized in collaboration with Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (2003, 2015), the Czech Technical University in Prague (2007) and the Comenius University in Bratislava (2009) and the topic of the School was enlarged in order to cover all the scientific activities of JINR. In 2005 and in 2011 the School was held in Dubna.
      In 2017, for the first time, the School will be held in Romania and be hosted by the Transilvania University of Brasov (UTBv), Faculty of Medicine, with the support of the National Institute for R&D in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA.

      The participants will be students, PhD students and young researchers working in different fields connected with the topics of the School.

      We hope you can join us for NUCPHYS-SC&APPL 2017 and look forward to welcoming you to Brasov.