Correction of the indication of the albedo dosimeter of neutrons DVGN-01 by various methods behind the protection of impulse reactors

3 Oct 2017, 16:30
1h 50m
2-nd and 3-rd floor (International conference hall)

2-nd and 3-rd floor

International conference hall


Гулназым Сейлханова (ОИЯИ, ЛНФ, ОЯФ, СИНЯВ)


The results of readout correction for albedo dosimeters DVGN-01 with using two methods are presented. The correlation coefficients were calculated using measured values of neutron spectra in two places behind the shield of IBR-2M. The second method of readout correction for albedo dosimeters was carried out by using a spherical albedo system in the same places. A good agreement was obtained between the values of the correction coefficients determined by these methods. This indicates the reliability of the results obtained and the relevancy of using the spherical albedo system to find the values of the correction coefficients behind the shield of IBR-2M. On the base of present results the correction coefficient was obtained and recommended for individual radiation control at FLNP.

Primary author

Гулназым Сейлханова (ОИЯИ, ЛНФ, ОЯФ, СИНЯВ)


Нурбек Турсунбаев (ОИЯИ, ЛНФ, ОЯФ, СИНЯВ)

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