Oct 3 – 8, 2021
Europe/Moscow timezone

Registration Fee

The registration fee for JINR employees is 12000 Rubles. It includes the transportation to the airport (Dubna-Moscow-Dubna), conference set, coffee-breaks, reception (dinner and welcome drink), collaboration dinner and excursion. Plane tickets, accommodation and meals are arranged centrally by the Organizing Committee.

The registration fee for other participants is 17000 Rubles. It includes conference set, meals for all days of the meeting, coffee-breaks, reception and collaboration dinner. The registration fee with excursion is 21500 RublesPayments for the accommodation should be made directly at the Hotel at check-in. The prices for the rooms are:

     Single room        – 3445 RUB per day
     Double room      – 1850 RUB per day
     Two-room suite  – 5125 RUB per day

The registration fee from participants will be accepted by transfer.

The registration fee for the accompanying persons is 5000 Rubles or 55 Euro.  It can be paid in cash at the registration deskThe fee includes conference set, reception and collaboration dinner. The registration fee for accompanying persons with excursion is 8500 Rubles or 95 Euro in cash. Payments for the accommodation and meals should be made directly at the Hotel at check-in. The prices for the rooms are:

     Single room        – 3445 RUB per day
     Double room      – 1850 RUB per day
     Two-room suite  – 5125 RUB per day

The cost of  meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) is 1345 RUB per day.

To pay the registration fee for participation in the 8th collaboration meeting of the BM@N experiment at the NICA facility (without accommodation), please follow this link.

To pay the registration fee for participation in the 8th collaboration meeting of the BM@N experiment at the NICA facility (without accommodation, with excursion), please follow this link.