25–27 Oct 2021
Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Europe/Warsaw timezone


25 Oct 2021, 10:40
Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

Pasteura 5A 02-093 Warsaw Poland
Oral Session 1


Dr Vratislav Chudoba (FLNR JINR)


Investigations of the 6H and 7H hydrogen isotopes were carried out as a flag ship experiments of the recently commissioned ACCULINNA-2 fragment separator [1]. The 8He secondary beam with intensity 105 1/s and energy 26 AMeV was used for the population of the systems of interest in the 8He+d interaction. The detection of low-energy recoils 4He or 3He allowed us to reconstruct the missing-mass spectra of 6H and 7H populated in the 2H(8He,4He)6H and 2H(8He,3He)7H reactions, respectively. The reference reactions 2H(10Be,4He)8Li and 2H(10Be,3He)9Li with 44 AMeV 10Be radioactive beam were studied as well. The key issues of the measurements were i) clear 3,4He identification at low energies (~ 8 – 20 MeV), ii) good energy and angular resolution of the experimental setup and iii) high efficiency of coincidences between decay products.
The applied experimental techniques including the cryogenic deuterium gas target and unique detector systems provided the new results on the low-energy spectra of 6H and 7H systems [2-5]. In particular, the obtained data shed light on the spectra of these exotic systems and decay mechanisms of their ground and exited states. Analysis of the other runs on 7He, 9He, 10Li isotopes populated in the (d,p) reaction and 27S with OTPC has been progressing. The next step of experimental program is under discussion.
[1] A.S. Fomichev, L.V. Grigorenko, S.A. Krupko, S.V. Stepantsov, G. M. Ter-Akopian, The EPJ A 54 (2018) 97.
[2] A.A. Bezbakh et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) 022502.
[3] I.A. Muzalevskii et al., Phys. Rev. C 103 (2021) 044313.
[4] I.A. Muzalevskii et al., Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 84 (2020) 500.
[5] E.Yu. Nikolskii et al., submitted to Phys. Rev. C (2021) [arXiv:submit/3877004].

Primary authors

Dr Andrey Fomichev Dr Vratislav Chudoba (FLNR JINR)

Presentation materials