25–27 Oct 2021
Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Time Projection Chambers

26 Oct 2021, 14:45
Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

Pasteura 5A 02-093 Warsaw Poland
Oral Session 6


Dr Daid Kahl (ELI-NP)


Time projection chambers (TPCs) are based on ionization chambers from the earliest days of nuclear physics. In the last several decades, gaseous electronic TPCs have come of age, with applications worldwide in nuclear and particle physics. TPCs are able to measure three dimensional trajectories of ionizing radiation tracks as well as their energy loss, with high efficiency and essentially full solid angle coverage. The talk will describe aspects of the history of TPCs, a successful example case of injecting a radioactive 30S beam into a TPC, and prospects of the future TPC project at ELI-NP with both stable ion beams delivered from tandem accelerators and the gamma-ray beam.

Primary author

Dr Daid Kahl (ELI-NP)

Presentation materials