Information Systems for the BM@N experiment and Common Deployment Service

27 Oct 2022, 14:30
Conference hall (MLIT, JINR)

Conference hall


Oral Information Technology Information Technology


Alexander Chebotov


The efficient operation of large physics experiments is ensured by many factors, one of which is software used for both online and offline systems. A set of software systems is also being implemented for the first experiment of the NICA project, a fixed target BM@N setup, where they are used, among other things, for centralized storage, access and exchange of necessary information. The report briefly presents the status of the developed information systems for the BM@N experiment, such as online electronic logbook, configuration information system, condition database, geometry information system and event metadata system. It is obvious that the systems will be in demand in other experiments of the NICA project, therefore special attention is paid in the report to implementation of new common deployment services that provide convenient, configurable deployment of the presented information systems for other particle collision experiments, but primarily for experiments at NICA.

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