147 / 147
- J. Aichelin
- J. Aichelin (Subatech)
- Igor Altsybeev
- Evgeny Andronov
- Oliver Arnold
I. Arsene
(Univ. od Oslo)
- Speaker at Quarkonium production with ALICE
- Alexander Ayriyan (Laboratory of Information Technologies, JINR)
R. Bailhache
(Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
- Speaker at Heavy flavor production with ALICE
- Vipul Bairathi (National Institute of Science Education and Research)
- Anastasia Maria BARBANO (INFN and Università di Torino)
- Francesco Barile (Università degli Studi di Bari and INFN sezione di Bari)
- Gergely Gábor Barnaföldi (Wigner RCP of the HAS)
- Niels-Uwe BASTIAN (IFT, Wroclaw Univ.)
- Sumit Basu
- F. Becattini
A. Beraudo
- Speaker at Heavy flavor transport
- Bojana Blagojevic
- D. Blaschke
M. Bleicher
(Helmholtz International Center for FAIR & Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS))
- Speaker at Transport models and strangeness production
- Francesco Bossu (iThemba LABS)
- Alexander Botvina
E. Bratkovskaya
(ITP and FIAS, Uni. Frankfurt)
- Speaker at Heavy flavor in heavy-ion collisions
- Larissa Bravina
- Johansson Bengt Henrik BRUSHEIM
Thomas Buchheim
- Speaker at Charm in nuclear matter
- Daniel Cabrera
- Arianna CAMEJO (Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont-Ferrand)
- Paolo Castorina
- Vinod Chandra
- Speaker at Flavor hierarchy in freezeout
- J. Chen (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, CAS)
- Zhengyu Chen
- D. Chinellato (Univ. Campinas)
Jean Cleymans
- Speaker at Summary: Theory
- Speaker at The Tsallis Distribution at Large Transverse Momenta
A. Dainese
(INFN - Padova)
- Speaker at ALICE upgrade
- Santosh Kumar Das
G. Denicol
(McGill University)
- Speaker at Hydrodynamics in heavy-ion collisions
- M. Djordjevic (Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade)
- M. Donadelli (USP)
Aleksandr DUBININ
(University of Wroclaw)
- Speaker at Mott-hadron resonance gas and a toy model
- L. Fabietti (Technische Universitaet Muenchen)
- Zuzana FECKOVA
- Grigory Feofilov
- Andrea FESTANTI (University and INFN Padova)
- Peter Filip Filip
- F. FIONDA (University and INFN Cagliari)
M. Floris
- Speaker at Overview of ALICE results
- V. Friese (GSI Darmstadt)
- Kai Gallmeister
- Barbara GUERZONI (INFN and University of Bologna)
- William Horowitz
- Igor Iosilevsky
- Yu. Ivanov
- Speaker at Flow Viscosity with a Running Coupling
Jakub Jankowski
(Jagiellonian University)
- Speaker at Optical conductivity and string theory
- O. Kaczmarek (University of Bielefeld)
- Iurii Karpenko
- Roland Katz
Yongsun Kim
- Speaker at CMS - results on heavy flavour and quarkonia
Kistenev Kistenev
- Speaker at Heavy flavors at PHENIX
- Evgeni Kolomeitsev
Dmitry Kotov
- Speaker at PHENIX: Strangeness production
- Vladimir Kovalenko
- F. Krizek (Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR)
- Alexey Kurepin (Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Rafal Lalik
J. Lansberg
(IPNO - Paris-Sud U. - CNRS/IN2P3)
- Speaker at J/psi and psi' suppression in pA collisions
- Dag Toppe Larsen
- Igor Lebedev
- A. Le Fevre (GSI Darmstadt)
Y. Leifels
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum Darmstadt)
- Speaker at Summary: Experiment I - low-energy
- Igor Lokhtin
M. Lorenz
(Utrecht University)
- Speaker at Strange hadron production at HADES
- Valery Lyuboshitz
- Michael Marczenko
- Speaker at Welcome Address and Presentation of JINR
- Ivan Melo
- I. Meshkov (JINR)
- Konstantin Mikhaylov (JINR, ITEP)
- Pierre Moreau
- Azwinndini Muronga
- Genis Musulmanbekov
M. Nahrgang
(Duke University)
- Speaker at Open charm at LHC
- Grigory Nigmatkulov
- Daniel Nowakowski
H. Oeschler
(TU Darmstadt)
- Speaker at Summary: Experiment II - high-energy
- A. Ohnishi (YITP)
- M. Ozdemir (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Alessia PALMESE
- Peter Parfenov
- Andre Peshier
- C. Rappold (Giessen University - GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Viktor RIABOV (PNPI)
- Speaker at Can the MPD detector see the baryon stopping
A. Rothkopf
(Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg University)
- Speaker at Heavy quarkonia from lattice QCD
- Andrey Seryakov
- P. Seyboth (Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland)
- Shusu Shi
- Mao Shijun
- Alexei SHIPILOV (Helmholtz)
- Evgeny Shulga
- B. Sinha (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)
- Huichao Song
R. Stock
- Speaker at Statistical model and hadronization
- Horst STOECKER (GSI Helmholtzzentrum)
- H. Stoecker
Arkadiy Taranenko
- Speaker at Are flow measurements at RHIC reliable?
- Speaker at Correlations at PHENIX
- Abdel Nasser Tawfik
- Cristina Terrevoli (INFN and University PADOVA)
- Oleg Teryaev
Lata Thakur
- Speaker at Quarkonium suppression in an anisotropic QGP
- Alberica TOIA (Frankfurt Uni and GSI Darmstadt)
- Mikhail Tokarev
Laura Tolos
- Speaker at Heavy hadrons in dense matter
- Boris Tomasik
- Kehinde Tomiwa
- Juan M. Torres-Rincon
- Srikanta Kumar Tripathy
- Anton Trunin
- Barbara Trzeciak
- Z. Tu (Rice University)
- Antonio Uras (IPN Lyon)
- Hendrik van Hees
I. Vidana
(University of Coimbra)
- Speaker at The hyperon puzzle in the neutron star EoS
- Orlando Villalobos-Baillie
- Giacomo Volpe (MTA Wigner Institute)
Andrey Yuryevich Vorobyov
- Speaker at Welcome by the Governor of Moscow Oblast
- S.G. WEBER (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
- Anton Wiranata
H. Wittig
(Institute for Nuclear Physics and Helmholtz Institute Mainz)
- Speaker at H-dibaryon using lattice QCD
- Cheuk-Yin Wong
- Speaker at Thermal Models for Large Hadron Collider
- W. Xie (PURDUE University)
- Lang Yu
- Evgeny Zabrodin
- X. Zhang (Tsinghua University Beijing)
- Kai Zhou
- Xiangrong Zhu