08:15 |
09:30 |
Welcome Address by the Town Mayor
09:35 |
Welcome Address and Presentation of JINR - V. Matveev (JINR)
10:00 |
Prospects for dense baryonic matter research at NICA - V. KEKELIDZE (VBLHEP, JINR)
10:30 |
Overview of ALICE results - M. Floris
11:00 |
--- Coffee break --- |
11:30 |
CMS - Flow of strange and charged particles in pPb and PbPb collisions - Z. Tu (Rice University)
12:00 |
PHENIX: Strangeness production - D. Kotov (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" B.P. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
12:30 |
Transport models and strangeness production - M. Bleicher
09:30 |
Strangeness and light flavor production with ALICE - D. Chinellato (Univ. Campinas)
10:00 |
ATLAS results on strangeness and/or heavy flavor production and its relation to quark matter - M. Donadelli (USP)
10:30 |
Strangeness production and properties of sQGP at top energies with STAR - X. Zhang (Tsinghua University Beijing)
11:00 |
--- Coffee break --- |
11:30 |
Welcome by the Governor of Moscow Oblast - Andrey Yuryevich Vorobyov
11:45 |
Group Foto
12:00 |
Opening of the Workshop of Superconducting Magnets for NICA and FAIR
12:30 |
Strange hadron production at HADES - M. Lorenz
09:30 |
Open charm at LHC - M. Nahrgang
10:00 |
Radiative and collisional energy loss in the QGP - M. Djordjevic
10:30 |
Heavy flavor transport - A. Beraudo
11:00 |
--- Coffee break --- |
11:30 |
J/psi and psi' suppression in pA collisions - J. Lansberg
12:00 |
Afternoon - Excursion
09:30 |
STAR: Heavy flavor production and the properties of sQGP at top energies - W. Xie
10:00 |
Heavy flavor production with ALICE - R. Bailhache
10:30 |
CMS - results on heavy flavour and quarkonia - Y. Kim (Korea University)
11:00 |
--- Coffee break --- |
11:30 |
Quarkonium production with ALICE - I. Arsene (Univ. od Oslo)
12:00 |
Heavy quarkonia from lattice QCD - A. Rothkopf
12:30 |
Heavy flavor in heavy-ion collisions - E. Bratkovskaya
09:30 |
Hydrodynamics in heavy-ion collisions - G. Denicol
10:00 |
Search for the critical point in heavy-ion collisions - P. Seyboth
10:30 |
Cosmological implications of strange quark matter, hint of cold dark matter - B. Sinha (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)
11:00 |
--- Coffee break --- |
11:30 |
The hyperon puzzle in the neutron star EoS - I. Vidana
12:00 |
Correlations and flavor production in jets at ALICE - F. Krizek
12:30 |
Correlations at PHENIX - A. Taranenko (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
09:30 |
Strangeness prospects with the CBM Experiment - V. Friese
10:00 |
ALICE upgrade - A. Dainese
10:30 |
NA61/SHINE vertex detector for open charm measurements - G. Feofilov (Saint-Petersburg State University)
11:00 |
--- Coffee break --- |
11:30 |
Summary: Experiment I - low-energy - Y. Leifels
12:00 |
Summary: Experiment II - high-energy - H. Oeschler (TU Darmstadt)
12:30 |
Summary: Theory - J. Cleymans
13:00 |
--- Lunch --- |
14:30 |
General lecture : Approaches to QCD phase diagram; effective models, strong coupling lattice QCD, and compact stars - A. Ohnishi (YITP)
15:30 |
H-dibaryon using lattice QCD - H. Wittig
16:00 |
Study of hyperon interaction via heavy-ion collisions from STAR Collisions - J. Chen
16:30 |
--- Coffee Break --- |
17:00 |
Strange resonance production in pA and pp collisions at 3.5 GeV - L. Fabietti
17:30 |
NA61/SHINE: Energy dependence of hadron spectra and yields in p+p and Be+Be - D. Larsen (Jagiellonian University)
18:00 |
NICA collider complex: challenges and perspectives - I. Meshkov (JINR)
18:30 |
Excursion to NICA (until 20:00)
20:00 |
--- Welcome buffet --- |
13:00 |
--- Lunch --- |
14:30 |
Hyper nucleus production in heavy ion collision experiments - C. Rappold
15:00 |
Hyper nucleus production in heavy ion collision simulations - A. Le Fevre
15:40 |
Heavy flavor production and transport (R. Rapp, Texas A&M / H. Van Hees, Frankfurt) (until 16:40) (CONFERENCE HALL)
15:40 |
Semi-Analytical Relativistic Hard-Scattering Integral for Heavy Quark Production - Cheuk-Yin Wong (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
16:00 |
Transport study on heavy quarkonium production in heavy ion collisions - Kai Zhou (ITP,Goethe University Frankfurt am Main)
16:20 |
Toward a understanding to the RAA and v2 puzzle for heavy quarks - Santosh Kumar Das (University of Catania)
15:40 |
Strangeness production (B. Mueller, Duke / H. Stoecker, Frankfurt & GSI ) (until 16:40) (S1)
15:40 |
Hadroproduction of varphi-mesons in the Quark-Gluon String model - Carlos Merino (University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain))
16:00 |
Study the particle transverse-momentum spectra at LHC with nonextensive statistics - Ming Shao (University of Science and Technology of China)
16:20 |
Formation of hypernuclei in relativistic ion collisions - Alexander Botvina (FIAS and INR-RAS)
15:40 |
Strangeness in Astrophysics (H.-J. Schulze, Catania / J. Schaffner-Bielich, Frankfurt) (until 16:40) (ROOM S4)
15:40 |
Hyperon puzzle and the RMF model with scaled hadron masses and coupling constants - Evegeni KOLOMEITSEV (Matej Bel University)
16:00 |
The role of hybrid compact stars in the hyperon puzzle - David ALVAREZ-CASTILLO (JINR)
16:20 |
Relativistic Electro-Magneto-Fluid Dynamics in Astrophysics - Azwinndini Muronga (UNIVERSITY OF JOHANNESBURG)
15:40 |
Beam energy scan programs (Nu Xu, Berkeley / M. Gazdzicki, Frankfurt & Kielce) (until 16:40) (Room S2)
15:40 |
Measurements of strange hadrons $K^0_{S}$, $\Lambda$ and $\Xi$ from Au+Au collisions at 14.5 GeV in STAR - Muhammad Usman Ashraf (Tsinghua University)
16:00 |
PHENIX Measurements of Anisotropic Flow in Heavy-Ion Collisions at RHIC energies - Arkadiy Taranenko (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
16:20 |
(Anti-)strangeness production in heavy-ion collisions - Pierre Moreau (Frankfurt Institute of Advanced Studies)
15:40 |
Freezeout, Hadronization and Statistical Model (F. Becattini, Florence / R. Stock, Frankfurt) (until 16:40) (NICA Hall)
15:40 |
Bose-Einstein correlations of charged kaons in $p+p$ collisions measured with the STAR detector - Grigory Nigmatkulov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
16:00 |
Bose–Einstein correlations of charged and neutral kaons in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC with the ALICE experiment - Konstantin Mikhaylov (JINR, ITEP)
16:20 |
Study on initial geometry fluctuations via correlation of finite distributions of secondary particles in nucleus-nucleus interactions - Igor Lebedev (Institute of Physics and Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan)
16:40 |
--- Coffee break --- |
17:00 |
Strangeness production (B. Mueller, Duke / H. Stoecker, Frankfurt & GSI ) (until 18:40) (S1)
17:00 |
Strangeness production in U+U collisions at RHIC - Srikanta Kumar Tripathy (Institute Of Physics)
17:20 |
Self-similarity of strangeness production in pp collisions at RHIC - Mikhail Tokarev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
17:40 |
Strangeness production and long-range correlations in pp collisions in string fusion approach - Vladimir Kovalenko (Saint Petersburg State University)
18:00 |
Search of strangelets and “forward” physics on the collider - Alexey Kurepin (Institute for Nuclear Research)
17:00 |
Hadron resonances in the sQGP (C.Market, Texas/ C.Ratti, Houston & Turin) (until 18:40) (ROOM S3)
17:00 |
Heavy hadrons in dense matter - Laura Tolos (ICE, Barcelona)
17:20 |
Hadron resonances in the medium via electromagnetic probes - Hendrik van Hees (Goethe University Frankfurt and FIAS)
17:40 |
Strange meson-baryon interaction in a hot and dense medium: recent progress for a road to GSI/FAIR - Daniel Cabrera (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies and Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
18:00 |
Resonance production in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions measured by ALICE at the LHC - Viktor RIABOV (PNPI)
17:00 |
Heavy flavor production and transport (R. Rapp, Texas A&M / H. Van Hees, Frankfurt) (until 18:40) (CONFERENCE HALL)
17:00 |
Charm quark and charmonium production in quark-gluon plasma - Zhengyu Chen (Tsinghua University)
17:20 |
Dynamical upsilon-suppression in the stochastic-Schroedinger approach - Roland Katz (Subatech)
17:40 |
Importance of different energy loss effects in jet suppression at RHIC and LHC - Bojana Blagojevic (Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade)
18:00 |
Impact of momentum state anisotropy on heavy quark-dynamics - Vinod Chandra (Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar India)
17:00 |
Beam energy scan programs (Nu Xu, Berkeley / M. Gazdzicki, Frankfurt & Kielce) (until 18:40) (Room S2)
17:00 |
Energy scan of correlations in p+p and Be+Be from NA61/SHINE - Andrey Seryakov (St.Petersburg State University)
17:20 |
Energy dependence of fluctuations in p+p and Be+Be collisions from NA61/SHINE. - Evgeny Andronov (Saint Petersburg State University)
17:40 |
$\Lambda$ hyperon production in protonproton reactions at 3.5~GeV measured with HADES - Rafal Lalik (Excellence Cluster Universe, TUM, E12)
17:00 |
Young talents [School] (D. Blaschke, Wroclaw / M. Bleicher, Frankfurt / A. Sorin, Dubna) (until 18:40) (ROOM S4)
17:00 |
Helmholtz Association and Activities in Russia - Alexei SHIPILOV (Helmholtz)
17:20 |
SU(2) viscosity from gradient flow on a lattice - E.V. ANIKIN (ITEP)
17:40 |
Azimuthal Anisotropy of Phi-meson in U+U and Au+Au collisions at RHIC - Vipul Bairathi (National Institute of Science Education and Research)
18:00 |
Generation of Higher Flow Harmonics in Pb+Pb collisions at LHC in HYDJET++ model - Bengt Henrik Brusheim Johansson (Dept. of Physics, University of Oslo)
19:00 |
Meeting of the International Advisory Committee
13:00 |
--- Lunch --- |
14:30 |
General lecture : Additional strange hadrons from QCD thermodynamics and freezeout in heavy ion collisions - O. Kaczmarek
15:40 |
Heavy flavor production and transport (R. Rapp, Texas A&M / H. Van Hees, Frankfurt) (until 16:40) (CONFERENCE HALL)
15:40 |
Measurements of D+(s) production in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC - Anastasia Maria BARBANO (INFN and Università di Torino)
16:00 |
Charmonium production at mid-rapidity in Pb-Pb and p-Pb collisions with ALICE - S.G. WEBER (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
16:20 |
Charmonium production in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions at forward rapidity with the ALICE detector at the LHC - Arianna CAMEJO (Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont-Ferrand)
15:40 |
Freezeout, Hadronization and Statistical Model (F. Becattini, Florence / R. Stock, Frankfurt) (until 16:40) (NICA HALL)
15:40 |
Light flavour hadron production at intermediate and high pT measured with the ALICE detector - Giacomo Volpe (MTA Wigner Institute)
16:00 |
Soft particle production and study of collective phenomena with the ALICE detector at the LHC. - Barbara GUERZONI (INFN and University of Bologna)
16:20 |
Centrality dependence of particle production in p-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN)= 5.02 TeV measured by ALICE - Alberica TOIA (Frankfurt Uni and GSI Darmstadt)
15:40 |
Young talents [School] (D. Blaschke, Wroclaw / M. Bleicher, Frankfurt / A. Sorin, Dubna) (until 16:40) (Room S4)
15:40 |
Flavor hierarchy in freezeout - Sandeep CHATTERJEE (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)
16:00 |
Hydrodynamic modelling of QGP expansion using an exact solution of Riemann problem - Zuzana Feckova (Pavol Jozef Safarik University)
16:20 |
Flow Viscosity with a Running Coupling - Greg Jackson (University of Cape Town)
15:40 |
Beam energy scan programs (Nu Xu, Berkeley / M. Gazdzicki, Frankfurt & Kielce) (until 16:40) (Room S2)
15:40 |
Correlations and fluctuations in large and small systems - Hichao SONG (Peking University)
16:00 |
Two-particle correlation measurements in p+Nb reactions at sqrt(sNN) = 3.18 GeV - Oliver Arnold (Physik Department E12, Technical University Munich (TUM), James-Franck-Str. 1, 85748 Garching, Germany)
16:20 |
Beam Energy Scan of Specific Heat through Temperature Fluctuations - Sumit Basu (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)
15:40 |
Strangeness production (B. Mueller, Duke / H. Stoecker, Frankfurt & GSI ) (until 16:40)
15:40 |
Forward-backward correlations with strange particles in PYTHIA event generator - Igor Altsybeev (Saint-Petersburg State University)
16:00 |
Possible effect of mixed phase and deconfinement upon spin correlations in the $\Lambda \bar{\Lambda}$ pairs generated in relativistic heavy-ion collisions - Valery Lyuboshitz (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research ( Dubna ))
16:40 |
--- Coffee break --- |
17:00 |
Strangeness in Astrophysics (H.-J. Schulze, Catania / J. Schaffner-Bielich, Frankfurt) (until 18:20) (ROOM S4)
17:00 |
Bayesian analysis of hybrid EoS constraints with mass-radius data for compact stars - Alexander Ayriyan (Laboratory of Information Technologies, JINR)
17:20 |
A new RMF based quark-nuclear matter EoS for applications in astrophysics and heavy-ion collisions - Niels-Uwe BASTIAN (IFT, Wroclaw Univ.)
17:40 |
The question of existence of a third family of compact stars - Vazgen BOJUKYAN (YSU)
18:00 |
Inhomogeneous chiral symmetry breaking in compact stellar matter - Daniel Nowakowski (TU Darmstadt)
17:00 |
Freezeout, Hadronization and Statistical Model (F. Becattini, Florence / R. Stock, Frankfurt) (until 18:20) (NICA HALL)
17:00 |
Centrality dependence of elliptic flow of multi-strange hadrons in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV - Shusu Shi (Central China Normal University)
17:20 |
Recent results on two-particle angular correlations in ALICE - Alice OHLSON (CERN)
17:40 |
Recent results for the (anti-)(hyper-)nuclei production and searches for exotica by ALICE at the LHC - Francesco Barile (Università degli Studi di Bari and INFN sezione di Bari)
18:00 |
Charged particle production in lead-lead and proton-lead collisions measured by the ATLAS detector - Evgeny Shulga (NRNU "MEPhI")
17:00 |
Heavy flavor production and transport (R. Rapp, Texas A&M / H. Van Hees, Frankfurt) (until 18:20) (CONFERENCE HALL)
17:00 |
Measurement of D-meson production in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC with ALICE - Andrea FESTANTI (University and INFN Padova)
17:20 |
D-meson production in pp and p-Pb collisions measured with ALICE at the LHC - Cristina Terrevoli (INFN and University PADOVA)
17:40 |
Heavy-flavour and W-boson production measurements via leptonic decay channels with ALICE at the LHC - Francesco Bossu (iThemba LABS)
18:00 |
Prospects for heavy flavour measurements with the ALICE inner and forward tracker upgrade - F. FIONDA (University and INFN Cagliari)
17:00 |
Hadron resonances in the sQGP (C.Market, Texas/ C.Ratti, Houston & Turin) (until 18:20) (ROOM S1)
17:00 |
Mott-hadron resonance gas and a toy model - Aleksandr DUBININ (University of Wroclaw)
17:20 |
Missing resonances in the HRG - Michał Marczenko (Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Wrocław)
17:40 |
Heavy mesons in hadronic medium: interaction and transport coefficients - Juan TORRES-RINCON (Subatech)
18:00 |
Towards the quark-gluonic Equation of State including strange and charmed quarks with realistic masses - Anton Trunin (BLTP JINR)
17:00 |
Beam energy scan programs (Nu Xu, Berkeley / M. Gazdzicki, Frankfurt & Kielce) (until 18:20) (Room S2)
17:00 |
Baryon stopping signal for mixed phase formation in HIC - Yuri B. Ivanov (NRC "Kurchatov Institute")
17:20 |
Beam Energy Scan using a viscous hydro + cascade model - Iurii Karpenko (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
17:40 |
Can the MPD detector see the baryon stopping - OLEG ROGACHEVSKY (JINR)
18:30 |
Panel discussion Is there strange quark matter in nature? (Convener: D. Blaschke)
19:30 |
Conference Dinner
13:00 |
--- Lunch --- |
14:30 |
General lecture: Modeling hadronization processes in chiral quark models - J. Aichelin
15:40 |
Beam energy scan programs (Nu Xu, Berkeley / M. Gazdzicki, Frankfurt & Kielce) (until 16:40)
15:40 |
The relevance of the ATLAS experience and its relevance to the data acquisition of the BM@N experiment at NICA - Kehinde Tomiwa (University of the Witwatersrand)
16:00 |
Inverse magnetic catalysis in the three-flavor NJL model with axial-vector interaction - Lang Yu (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
16:20 |
QGP away from thermal saturation and gluon condensation - Andre Peshier (University of Cape Town)
15:40 |
Strangeness production (B. Mueller, Duke / H. Stoecker, Frankfurt & GSI ) (until 16:40) (S1)
15:40 |
Production of Vector Mesons in Ultra-Peripheral Pb-Pb interactions with ALICE - Orlando VILLALOBOS-BAILLIE (University of Birmingham)
16:00 |
Hydrodynamic helicity and strange hyperon polarization in heavy-ion collisions - Oleg Teryaev (JINR)
16:20 |
Two-particle correlation measurements in p+Nb reactions at sqrt(sNN) = 3.18 GeV - Oliver Arnold (Physik Department E12, Technical University Munich (TUM), James-Franck-Str. 1, 85748 Garching, Germany)
15:40 |
Freezeout, Hadronization and Statistical Model (F. Becattini, Florence / R. Stock, Frankfurt) (until 16:40) (NICA HALL)
15:40 |
The LHC as a GlueBall factory - probing a novel form of pure gauge matter from the early universe to cosmic rays - Horst STOECKER (GSI Helmholtzzentrum)
16:00 |
Thermalization of hadrons through Hagedorn states - Kai Gallmeister (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
16:20 |
Entropic and enthalpic phase transitions in high energy density nuclear matter - Igor IOSILEVSKIY (Joint Institute for High Temperature (Russian Academy of Science) Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Nat. Research University))
15:40 |
Heavy flavor production and transport (R. Rapp, Texas A&M / H. Van Hees, Frankfurt) (until 16:40) (CONFERENCE HALL)
15:40 |
Quarkonium suppression in an anisotropic QGP - Lata Thakur (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)
16:00 |
Fluctuations in Strong-Coupling Heavy Quark Energy Loss - William Horowitz (University of Cape Town)
16:20 |
Heavy Flavor at RHIC - Sonia Kabana (SUBATECH)
15:40 |
Young talents [School] (D. Blaschke, Wroclaw / M. Bleicher, Frankfurt / A. Sorin, Dubna) (until 16:40) (ROOM S4)
15:40 |
Optical conductivity and string theory - Jakub Jankowski (Jagiellonian University)
16:00 |
Directed flow in heavy-ion collisions from PHSD transport approach - Alessia Palmese (Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Giessen)
16:20 |
Estimation of correlators within the framework of chiral magnetic effect model in nucleus-nucleus collisions - Peter Parfenov (Evgenievich)
16:40 |
--- Coffee Break --- |
17:00 |
Freezeout, Hadronization and Statistical Model (F. Becattini, Florence / R. Stock, Frankfurt) (until 18:20) (NICA HALL)
17:00 |
Blast-wave fits with resonances to pt spectra from nuclear collisions at the LHC - Ivan Melo (University of Zilina)
17:20 |
Features of triangular flow of strange and non-strange hadrons at LHC - Evgeny Zabrodin (Department of Physics, University of Oslo)
17:40 |
Reference calculations for subthreshold Xi production - Boris Tomasik (Univerzita Mateja Bela)
18:00 |
Strange and multi-strange hadrons in heavy-ion collisions with a hybrid approach - Xiangrong Zhu (Peking University)
17:00 |
Heavy flavor production and transport (R. Rapp, Texas A&M / H. Van Hees, Frankfurt) (until 18:20) (CONFERENCE HALL)
17:00 |
J/$\psi$ and $\psi(2S)$ measurements in $p$+$p$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 200 and 500 GeV with the STAR experiment - Barbara Trzeciak (Czech Technical University in Prague)
17:20 |
Charm in nuclear matter - Thomas BUCHHEIM (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Technische Universität Dresden)
17:40 |
Strong Decays of Upsilon(4s), phi(1020) and Sigma(1385) in Magnetic Field - Peter Filip Filip (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava)
18:00 |
Thermal and non-thermal charmed meson production in heavy ions collisions at the LHC - Igor Lokhtin (Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University)
17:00 |
Strangeness production (B. Mueller, Duke / H. Stoecker, Frankfurt & GSI ) (until 18:20) (S1)
17:00 |
Hyperon production in heavy ion collisions. The role of initial state in "horn"-effect - Genis Musulmanbekov (JINR, LIT)
17:20 |
Production of strange hadrons at LHC energies measured with the ALICE detector - Maria NICASSIO (GSI)
17:40 |
(Anti-)strangeness production in heavy-ion collisions - Pierre Moreau (Frankfurt Institute of Advanced Studies)
17:00 |
Beam energy scan programs (Nu Xu, Berkeley / M. Gazdzicki, Frankfurt & Kielce) (until 18:20)
17:00 |
17:20 |
The Tsallis Distribution at Large Transverse Momenta - Jean Cleymans (University of Cape Town)
17:40 |
The Non-extensive Statistical Approach for Hadronization and its Application - Gergely Gábor Barnaföldi (Wigner RCP of the HAS)
17:00 |
Hadron resonances in the sQGP (C.Market, Texas/ C.Ratti, Houston & Turin) (until 18:20) (ROOM S4)
17:00 |
Transport coefficients and quark-hadron phase transition from PLSM in vanishing and finite magnetic field - Abdel Nasser TAWFIK (ECTP)
17:20 |
Low-mass dimuon measurements in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC - Antonio Uras (IPN Lyon)
17:40 |
Low-Mass Dielectron Measurements in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb Collisions with ALICE - M. Ozdemir (Goethe University Frankfurt)
18:00 |
Can hot interacting hadrons become a “perfect” fluid? - Anton Wiranata (Ohio University)
18:30 |
Poster session with wine and cheese