27 February 2023 to 3 March 2023
Europe/Moscow timezone

The Casimir effect in Abelian and Non-Abelian lattice gauge theories: induced phase transitions and new boundary states

28 Feb 2023, 16:10



Aleksei Tanashkin (Pacific Quantum Center, Far Eastern Federal University)


We investigate the vacuum structure of Abelian compact electrodynamics and Non-Abelian Yang-Mills theories in the presence of (chromo)metallic mirrors at zero temperature in 3+1 dimensions. By studying Abelian monopoles, responsible for linear confinement between opposite electric charges, we show that as the distance between plates diminishes, the vacuum of cQED between plates experiences a deconfining transition. While we found no thermodynamic signs of a Casimir-induced phase transition for the non-Abelian SU(3) gauge theory, we uncovered new excitation at the boundaries with the mass $m_{gt} = 1.0(1)\sqrt{\sigma}=0.49(5)$ GeV which is more than three times lighter than mass of $0^{++}$ groundstate glueball. We call this excitation "glueton" and interpret it as a non-perturbative colorless gluonic state of two gluons bound to their negatively colored images in a chromometallic mirror. Additionally, we show that a heavy quark is attracted to the mirror, and it presumably forms a "quarkiton" ("quark exciton") colorless state with its anti-quark image in the chromometallic mirror.

Primary authors

Maxim Chernodub (Institut Denis Poisson, University of Tours, France) Mr Vladimir Goy (Pacific Quantum Center, Far Eastern Federal University) Dr Alexander Molochkov (Pacific Quantum Center, Far Eastern Federal University) Aleksei Tanashkin (Pacific Quantum Center, Far Eastern Federal University)

Presentation materials