Global polarization of Ξ hyperons in Au+Au collisions in the STAR experiment

6 Sept 2023, 18:10
BLTP Conference Hall (JINR)

BLTP Conference Hall



Alpatov, Egor (NRNU MEPhI)


The study of global polarization in heavy-ion collisions has revealed the presence of a vortical fluid with significant angular momentum and vorticity. This phenomenon can be observed through weak decays of particles such Λ hyperons. Experimental data of Λ global polarization from RHIC and LHC provided
opportunity to get new insights into the collective behavior and hydrodynamic description of
the system.

Global polarization of multistrange hyperons, such as Ξ, can provide new information for hydrodynamic description of the system and its vorticity structure. In this talk, we will report results of Ξ global polarization measurement for Au+Au collisions at sNN = 19.6 and 27 GeV.

Primary author

Alpatov, Egor (NRNU MEPhI)

Presentation materials