90 / 90
- Abramov, Victor (NRC Kurchatov Institute - IHEP)
- Aksentev, Alexander (NRNU "MEPhI")
- Alpatov, Egor (NRNU MEPhI)
- Anikin, Igor V. (Bogoliubov Lab of Theor Phys JINR)
- Bakina, Olga (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Bauetdinov, Yusupbek
- Braguta, Victor (JINR)
- Burinskii, Alexander (NSI, Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Chernitskii, Alexander (St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University)
- Datta, Amaresh (JINR)
- Dvornikov, Maxim (IZMIRAN)
- Dydyshka, Yahor (JINR)
- ERMOLAEV, Boris (Ioffe Institute)
- Filatov, Yury (MIPT)
- Galynskii, Mikhail (Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research -- Sosny, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 220109 Minsk, Belarus)
- Gao, Jian-Hua
Ginzburg, Ilya
(Sobolev Inst. of Mathematics SB RAS)
- Speaker at Scattering of unstable particles
- Grekova, Anastasiya
- Ivanov, Mikhail (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia)
- Kataev, Andrei (Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS)
- Kesharpu, Kaushal Kumar (BLTP, JINR)
Kim, Victor
(PNPI NRC KI, Gatchina & SPbPU, St. Petersburg)
- Speaker at Physics with SPD experiment at NICA
- Klochkov, Alexey
- Kochetov, Evgenii (JINR)
- Kokoulina, Elena (JINR)
- Kolokolchikov, Sergey (INR RAS)
- Kolomeitsev, Evgeni (BLTP, JINR, Dubna and Matej Bel University, Slovakia)
- Kolomoyets, Natalia (JINR)
Kondratyev, Vladimir
- Speaker at Tunnel spin current in superferromagnets
- Kostenko, Boris (JINR)
- Kotikov, Anatoly (JINR)
- Kuliamin, Pavel
- Kurbatov, Vladimir (JINR)
- Lebedev, S.L.
- Machavariani, Alexander (LHEP JINR)
- Makhaldiani, Nugzar (JINR)
Maksimov, Pavel
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Speaker at Frustrated magnetism and quantum computing
- Manaenkov, Sergey (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute of National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute")
- Marina, Nurusheva (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
- Melezhik, Vladimir (BLTP JINR Dubna)
- Melnikov, Aleksei (INR RAS)
- Merinov, Valeriy
- Mochalov, Vasilii (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - IHEP)
- Nazarova, Elizaveta (LHEP, JINR)
Neznamov, Vasiliy
(Federal Nuclear Center-All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (FSUE "RFNC-VNIIEF"))
- Speaker at Quantum electrodynamics with empty fermion vacuum without “sea” of states with negative energies and with opposite signs of mass summands in Dirac equations for particles and antiparticles. Possibilities of experimental verification.
- Speaker at Quantum model of spinning black holes. Quantum model of electron.
Nikolaev, Nikolai
(Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics)
- Speaker at Search for axions at NICA
- Obraztsov, Ivan
Obukhov, Yuri
(Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE), Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Speaker at Probing axion physics with spin
- O.Kouznetsov, JINR
- PAK, DMITRIY (Physical-Technical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan (currently I am in BLTP JINR under contract, until Oct.15 2023))
- Parvan, Alexandru (JINR and IFIN-HH)
- Peng, J.-C.
Pestov, ivanhoe
(Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theorewtical Physics, JINR)
- Speaker at General Covariant Dirac Equation
- Piskunov, Nikolay (JINR, Dubna)
- Prokhorov, George (Dubna, BLTP)
- Punetha, Garima (LSM Campus, Soban Singh Jeena University Almora Uttarakhand, India)
- Roenko, Artem (JINR, BLTP)
- Rozhdestvenskij, Anton
- Rumyantsev, Leonid (JINR)
- Sadykov, Renat (JINR)
- Saleev, Vladimir (Samara National Research University)
- Sedov, Sergey (Sarov State Physics Technical Institute, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Sarov Branch (SarPhTI), Sarov, Russia)
- Selyugin, Oleg (JINR)
- Semertzidis, Y.
- Semushin, Artur (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI and A. Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory)
- Senichev, Yury (The Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Shabaev, Vladimir (St. Petersburg State University/ NRC “Kurchatov Institute” - PNPI)
- Shilyaev, Kirill (Samara National Research University)
Shimanskiy, Stepan
- Speaker at Exclusive reactions and Spin problems at SPD
Shindin, Roman
- Speaker at Bessel functions to fermion quantization
- Shulga, Sergey (JINR)
- Silenko, Alexander (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Solovtsova, Olga (JINR)
- Stegailov, Vladimir (Jinr)
- Sychev, Dmitrii (BLTP JINR, MIPT)
- Terekhin, Arkadiy (JINR)
- Teryaev, Oleg (JINR)
- Tishevsky, Aleksey (JINR)
- Tokarev, Mikhail (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Uzikov, Yury (Joint Institute for Nuclear Researches)
- Veselova, Svetlana
- Volkov, Ivan (LHEP-JINR, Dubna, Moscow region, Russia)
- Xie, Ya-Ping (Institute of Modern Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Yermolchyk, Vitaly (JINR; INP BSU)
- Yudin I.P
- Yushankhai, Viktor (JINR, BLTP)
Zakharov, Valentin
- Speaker at Axial current and hydro-gravity duality
- Zhevlakov, Alexey (TSU)
- Zykunov, Vladimir (JINR)
- Зеленский, Анатолий (MIPT)