Proposal for realizing Majorana fermions in strongly correlated nanowires

8 Sept 2023, 11:50
Blokhintsev auditorium, 4th floor (BLTP JINR)

Blokhintsev auditorium, 4th floor



Kochetov, Evgenii (JINR)


We show that the 1𝐷 topological superconductivity can be placed in the context of phenomena associated with strongly correlated electron systems. Here we propose a system consisting of a one-dimensional chain of strongly correlated fermions placed on a superconducting (SC) substrate that exhibits a spin-singlet extended 𝑠-wave pairing. Strong electron correlation is shown to transform an extended 𝑠-wave SC into a topological SC that can host Majorana fermions. Neither a Rashba spin-orbit coupling nor an external magnetic field are required to produce such an effect.

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