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- A.A. Bogdanov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, 115409, Russia)
- Abramov, Victor (NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - IHEP)
- Abramov, Victor (NRC Kurchatov Institute - IHEP)
Aksentev, Alexander
- Author in Spin-flipping within the Frequency Domain method of searching for particle electric dipole moment
- Co-author in NIСA facilities for the search for EDM light nuclei
- Co-author in Quasi-frozen spin concept at NICA for EDM search and its matrix analysis
- Co-author in Transition energy crossing of polarized proton beam at NICA
- Alpatov, Egor (NRNU MEPhI)
- Anikin, Igor V. (Bogoliubov Lab of Theor Phys JINR)
- Bakina, Olga (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Bondarenko, Serge (JINR)
- Braguta, Victor (JINR)
- Burinskii, Alexander (NSI, Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Butenko, Andrey (JINR)
- Chen, Xurong (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Chernichenko, Yurii (GSTU)
- Chernitskii, Alexander (St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University)
- Chernodub, Maxim (Institut Denis Poisson, University of Tours, France)
- Datta, Amaresh (JINR)
- Dubinin, Filipp (MEPhI)
- Dvornikov, Maxim (IZMIRAN)
- Dydyshka, Yahor (JINR)
- Filatov, Yury (MIPT)
- Gabdrakhmanov,, I.R.
- Galynskii, Mikhail (Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research -- Sosny, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 220109 Minsk, Belarus)
- Gao, Jian-Hua
Ginzburg, Ilya
(Sobolev Inst. of Mathematics SB RAS)
- Author in Scattering of unstable particles
- Goloskokov, Sergey (JINR)
- Gramotkov,, N.A
- Isupov, Alexander Isupov (JINR)
- Isupov, Alexander (JINR)
- Ivanov, Mikhail (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia)
- Kalinovskaya, Lidia (JINR)
- Kalinovskaya, Lidia (JINR)
- Kaptari, Leonid (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, BLTPh)
- Karpishkov, Anton (Samara National Research University, JINR)
- Kesharpu, Kaushal Kumar (BLTP, JINR)
Kiselev, A.V.
(SIM and NSU)
- Co-author in Scattering of unstable particles
- Kochetov, Evgenii (JINR)
- Kolesnikov, Vadim (VBLHEP, JINR)
Kolokolchikov, Sergey
- Author in Transition energy crossing of polarized proton beam at NICA
- Co-author in NIСA facilities for the search for EDM light nuclei
- Co-author in Quasi-frozen spin concept at NICA for EDM search and its matrix analysis
- Co-author in Spin-flipping within the Frequency Domain method of searching for particle electric dipole moment
- Kolomeitsev, Evgeni (BLTP, JINR, Dubna and Matej Bel University, Slovakia)
- Kolomoyets, Natalia (JINR)
- Kondratenko, Mikhail (NTL Zaryad)
- Kondratenko, Anatoliy (NTL Zaryad)
Kondratyev, Vladimir
- Author in Tunnel spin current in superferromagnets
- Kostenko, Boris (JINR)
- Kostromin, Sergei (JINR)
- Kotikov, Anatoly (JINR)
- Kudrov, Ilya (IHEP)
- Kurbatov, Vladimir (JINR)
- Kurmanaliyev, Zhanibek (Joint Institute for Nuclear Reserch)
LADYGIN, Vladimir
- Author in Preservation of the proton polarization up to 13.5 GeV/c in the Nuclotron at JINR using partial snakes based on dynamic solenoids
- Co-author in NIСA facilities for the search for EDM light nuclei
- Co-author in Simulation of the pp - scattering for the Beam-Beam Counter at SPD at NICA
- Co-author in Vector Polarization of the Nuclotron Deuteron Beam at the Energies from 200 to 650 MeV/nucleon
- Ladygin, Vladimir (JINR)
- Machavariani, Alexander (LHEP JINR)
- Makhaldiani, Nugzar (JINR)
- Maksimov, Pavel (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Manaenkov, Sergey (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute of National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute")
- Marina, Nurusheva (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
- Melezhik, Vladimir (BLTP JINR Dubna)
Melnikov, Aleksei
- Author in Quasi-frozen spin concept at NICA for EDM search and its matrix analysis
- Co-author in NIСA facilities for the search for EDM light nuclei
- Co-author in Spin-flipping within the Frequency Domain method of searching for particle electric dipole moment
- Co-author in Transition energy crossing of polarized proton beam at NICA
- Milstein, Alexander (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia and Novosibirsk State University, 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia)
- Mochalov, Vasilii (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - IHEP)
- Nazarova, Elizaveta (LHEP, JINR)
Neznamov, Vasiliy
(Federal Nuclear Center-All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (FSUE "RFNC-VNIIEF"))
- Author in Quantum electrodynamics with empty fermion vacuum without “sea” of states with negative energies and with opposite signs of mass summands in Dirac equations for particles and antiparticles. Possibilities of experimental verification.
- Author in Quantum model of spinning black holes. Quantum model of electron.
- Nigmatkulov, Grigory (MEPhI)
Nikolaev, Nikolai
(Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics)
- Author in Search for axions at NICA
- Co-author in NIСA facilities for the search for EDM light nuclei
- Obraztsov, Ivan
Obukhov, Yuri
(Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE), Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Probing axion physics with spin
- O.Kouznetsov, JINR
- Omelyanchuk, Saveliy (Samara National Research University)
Osipov, V.A.
- Co-author in Tunnel spin current in superferromagnets
- PAK, DMITRIY (Physical-Technical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan (currently I am in BLTP JINR under contract, until Oct.15 2023))
- Parfenov, Peter (MEPhI, Moscow)
- Parvan, Alexandru (JINR and IFIN-HH)
- P.A. Semenov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, 115409, Russia NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - IHEP, Protvino, Moscow region, 142281, Russia)
Pestov, ivanhoe
(Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theorewtical Physics, JINR)
- Author in General Covariant Dirac Equation
- Platonova, Maria (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics)
- Prokhorov, George (Dubna, BLTP)
- Punetha, Garima (LSM Campus, Soban Singh Jeena University Almora Uttarakhand, India)
- Reznikov, Sergey (JINR)
- Roenko, Artem (JINR, BLTP)
- Rozhdestvenskij, Anton
- Rumyantsev, Leonid (JINR)
- Sadykov, Renat (JINR)
- Saleev, Vladimir (Samara National Research University)
- Saleev, Vladimir (Samara National Research University, JINR)
- Sedov, Sergey (Federal Nuclear Center-All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (FSUE "RFNC-VNIIEF"))
- Sedov, Sergey (Sarov State Physics Technical Institute, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Sarov Branch (SarPhTI), Sarov, Russia)
- Selyugin, Oleg (JINR)
- Semushin, Artur (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI and A. Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory)
Senichev, Yury
(The Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Author in NIСA facilities for the search for EDM light nuclei
- Co-author in Quasi-frozen spin concept at NICA for EDM search and its matrix analysis
- Co-author in Spin-flipping within the Frequency Domain method of searching for particle electric dipole moment
- Co-author in Transition energy crossing of polarized proton beam at NICA
- Shabaev, Vladimir (St. Petersburg State University/ NRC “Kurchatov Institute” - PNPI)
- Shemarulin, Valery (Federal Nuclear Center-All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (FSUE "RFNC-VNIIEF"))
- Shilyaev, Kirill (Samara National Research University)
- Shipilova, Aleksandra (Samara University)
- Shulga, Sergey (JINR)
- Silenko, Alexander (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Soldatov, Evgeny (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
- Solovtsova, Olga (JINR)
- Stegailov V.I
- Sychev, Dmitrii (BLTP JINR, MIPT)
- Syresin, Evgeny (Joint Institute for Nuclear Researches)
- Taranenko, Arkadiy (VBLHEP JINR)
- Terekhin, Arkadiy (JINR)
- Terekhin, Arkadiy (JINR)
Teryaev, Oleg
- Author in Brief history of effective time-reversal in QCD
- Author in Correlations of kinematic quantities for pions and nucleons in PHSD model
- Co-author in GPDs and gravitational form factors of nucleons (quark and gluon contributions)
- Co-author in Kinematical Vortical Effect and Gravitational chiral anomaly
- Co-author in Performance of hyperon global polarization measurements with NICA/MPD
- Teterin, Peter (MEPhI)
- Tishevsky, Aleksey (JINR)
- Tokarev, Mikhail (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Tsegelnik, Nikita (BLTP, JINR)
- Tsegelnik, Nikita (JINR)
- Tsyplakov, Evgeny (MIPT)
- Tursunbayev, Nurbek (JINR, DLNP)
- Tyutyunnikov S.I.
- Uzikov, Yury (Joint Institute for Nuclear Researches)
- Vinogradov, Stanislav (MIPT)
- V.L.Rykov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, 115409, Russia)
- Volkov, Ivan (JINR)
- Volkov, Ivan (LHEP-JINR, Dubna, Moscow region, Russia)
- Volkova, D.A.
- Voronyuk, Vadym (JINR, LHEP)
- V.P. Ladygin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region, 141980,Russia)
- V.V. Mochalov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, 115409, Russia NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - IHEP, Protvino, Moscow region, 142281, Russia)
- V.V. Moiseev (NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - IHEP, Protvino, Moscow region, 142281, Russia)
- Xie, Ya-Ping (Institute of Modern Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Yermolchyk, Vitaly (JINR; INP BSU)
- Yudin I.P
- Zakharov, Arseniy (MEPhI)
- Zakharov, Valentin
- Zemlyakov, I.A.
- Zhurkina, Anastasia (MEPhI)
- Zinchenko, Alexander (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Андреянов, Алексей
- Васильев, Александр
- Взнуздаев, Марат
- Зеленский, Анатолий (MIPT)
- Ившин, Кузьма
- Коченда, Леонид
- Кравцов, Пётр
- Кравченко, Полина
- Ларионов, Влад
- Соловьёв, Александр
- Трофимов, Виктор
- Фотьев, Василий