Weyl group symmetry as an intrinsic color symmetry of QCD

5 Sept 2023, 17:50
BLTP Conference Hall (JINR)

BLTP Conference Hall



PAK, DMITRIY (Physical-Technical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan (currently I am in BLTP JINR under contract, until Oct.15 2023))


We present the basic non-perturbative structure of the space of classical dynamical solutions and corresponding one particle quantum states in SU(3) QCD. The Weyl group, as a non-trivial color subgroup of SU(3) , admits non-trivial singlet irreducible representations which lead to strict concepts of one particle quantum states for gluons and quarks. We show that a full space of dynamical gluon solutions is an infinite but countable space of solutions described by a finite set of integer numbers. It has been proved that the Weyl singlet structure of classical solutions provides the existence of a quantum stable non-degenerate vacuum which is known as a main precondition of the color confinement phenomenon. Some physical implications are considered.

Primary author

PAK, DMITRIY (Physical-Technical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan (currently I am in BLTP JINR under contract, until Oct.15 2023))

Presentation materials