The report discusses experimental and theoretical problems of describing high-spin isomers in the beta decay of nuclei. The experiments were carried out within the framework of the Energy-Transmutation program at JINR accelerators and at the YASNAPP experimental complex, created on the basis of the JINR nuclear power Plant phasotron, in "on-line" and "off-line" modes.
The experiments used large-volume HPGe detectors (efficiency 20% - 70%) and planar HPGe detectors (O30mm x 3mm).
In the nuclei of 156,158,160, the lifetimes of 5 levels and half-lives of high-spin isomers were measured. :
T1/2 9+ 160m2Ho= 3.2±0.2s , T1/29+ 158m2Ho= 21min , T1/29+ 156m2Ho=7.25±0.35min.
The figure shows a fragment of the decay of a high-spin isomer in the 156No nucleus.